Terminal Word game :) A great intro to the terminal

free - Display amount of free and used memory in the system

egrep Search file(s) for lines that match an extended expression

pkill - Kill processes by a full or partial name

lsblk - list block devices

konsole - a versatile terminal. Integrates well with dolphin, a file manager.

echo - Display message on screen

open - open and possibly create a file

nice - control how much “running time” your program gets. See: nice --help

emacs - a text editor with an “operating system” built in. Extremely powerful and versatile editor.

(I just had to add this… :sunglasses:)

screenfetch - Displays a bunch of system information.

history - history of commands :face_with_monocle:

yaourt - An obsolete AUR helper.

NOTE: Yaourt had been the most popular AUR helper, but it is not being developed anymore.

~ It’s all I could think of for “y” that hasn’t already been played. :grinning:

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touch - change file timestamps

hunzip - compress and encrypt dictionary files

pidof – find the process ID of a running program

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fdupes - a program for identifying or deleting duplicate files residing within specified directories.

strings - print the strings of printable characters in files

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sl - a steam locomotive runs across your screen.



lolcat - rainbow coloring effect for text console display

cal --y 2019 → shows full calendar of any year.