Tabliss New Tab Extension/Add-On

I believe it was @swh who brought Tabliss New Tab extension/add-on to my attention. And it really is nice. I’ve been utilizing it for a while now…

Easy to customize however you’d like with background image, widgets, text, frequently used links and more.

It’s available for Chrome (and Chrome-based browsers) and for Firefox (and Firefox-based browsers).


I discovered it from DT


That’s right, I talked about it in some thread. I really like it. Very customizable.


@shuvashish76 You’re absolutely right, I discovered it in this video too :vulcan_salute:

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Last commit 10months ago: though the dev seems active on GH but for personal private project.
Issues section mostly looks empty with no replies from the dev :frowning: Probably busy with other things in life :slight_smile:

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Some apps/extensions don’t really need much updating/commits. Unless something changes in Firefox or Chrome… “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

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Now I have it set up perfectly for me.


A little Tabliss tweaking.

Thanks again to @swh for making me aware of Tabliss. It’s always in use with Librewolf.


Yea, tabliss is great. Running on all my Browsers. Firefox, Brave and LibreWolf. Mostly use unsplash wallpaper topic and quotes from developer excuses. Sounds really funny :rofl:


I LOVE tabliss. I can’t remember how long I’ve been using it- found it one day when looking through the extensions page. I think it was featured at some point. My setup is usually a literature clock widget in the corner. It’s really cool seeing what y’all can make of it!

Haven’t tried adding custom shortcuts or favs/bookmarks since the focus on a new tab is the address bar


I would say that, but I use Librewolf pretty much exclusively. I have Vivaldi installed, but very rarely use it.

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Will try it in my Libre Wolf–thanks for the tip.

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Missed this thread before. Since it reopened today I have now seen and installed Tabliss, looking good so far in Librewolf.


It was great like 10 years ago but now most browsers have similar setups for their start pages without needing addons

This is nice but i don’t tend to open many tabs. Maybe I’ll give it a try.