Fehler: Vorgang konnte nicht vorbereitet werden (Kann Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllen)
:: Installation von icu (75.1-1) verletzt Abhängigkeit »libicui18n.so=74-64«, benötigt von electron25
:: Installation von icu (75.1-1) verletzt Abhängigkeit »libicuuc.so=74-64«, benötigt von electron25
Before this thread closes I thought I might add a word about the same problem of pacman refusing update because of “icu” causing dependency conflicts. Also to thank you @anon93652015 for your help in the Wiki about pacman updates being blocked.
The very useful command yay -Sii <pkgname> gives a whole raft of useful info about where and when a package was installed as well as dependencies.
In fact I came across it while searching for conflicts caused by qt5-webkit and the pactree command showed me that it was another AUR package I had installed that required it. By uninstalling the conflict-causing packages I was finally able to do a pacman update successfully.