Systemd boot is slow on startup

Wondering if someone could help me diagnose / help me fix a slow booting problem I’ve been having since I started daily driving EOS about 9 months ago.

Not sure what is causing that huge bottleneck involving my nvme drive. Let me now where to find other logs if you need them.

It’s probably more constructive to post some dmesg logs and journal entries.

$ sudo dmseg | eos-sendlog
$ journalctl -b0 | eos-sendlog

you can just tell the kernel to #FASTBOOT

so you can edit the kernel command line at startup similarly to grub pressing e at the boot menu and f10 or enter to boot with your appended commands… fastboot disables certain integrity checks during the startup process like fsck and is a good quick fix until you can do more analysis of the situation.

Also consider what has changed in your system since before you started having problems.

In case anyone see’s this in the future. This issue was caused by DDR5 memory training on boot / reboot. I should also clarify that the issue solely fell in the firmware part of the booting process. I was incorrectly assuming it was related to systemd. At the time I posted this the firmware boot was about 50 seconds!

This issue was fixed by enabling Memory Context in UEFI/BIOS.

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