System update/mirror issues

Hi, I started encountering this issue yesterday, both on my desktop and my laptop, without me making any changes to the system.

I had a single mirror listed in the mirrorlist and endeavouros-mirrorlist files, and was unable to update the system. This has happened before with this mirror before - I would get a message saying files could not be retrieved from it, so I would then either run the update command again and it would go through the second time, or wait a few hours and try again. This did not solve the issue yesterday, so I edited the files to add more mirrors and uncomment them, but nothing is solved - I get either errors like:

error: failed retrieving file 'endeavouros.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404

(this happens with other mirrors as well, the only thing that changes is the mirror name)

followed by:

error: failed to synchronize all databases (unexpected error)

At first I thought maybe Linux mirrors were in general having a global problem, but this does not seem to be the case. Any ideas? Here are my two files, this time with only a few mirrors enabled after the latest change I made to them:

mirrorlist file
endeavouros-mirrorlist file

(They are identical)

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Please note that those two mirrorlists are meant for two different purposes:

  • listing Arch mirror
  • listing EndeavourOS mirrors

This means they must be different.

To create a proper list of mirrors you need to run a mirror ranking apps for both of them.
For /etc/pacman.d/endeavouros-mirrorlist: run eos-rankmirrors.
For /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist: run rate-mirrors with proper parameters.
You can run those apps using the Welcome app: eos-welcome -1

Having only a single mirror is not a good idea. It may work until the mirror is either temporarily or permanently offline. That’s why the files are lists of mirrors: if one mirror fails, pacman automatically uses the next in the list, and so on.

Hope this helps. :smiley:

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I don’t think having a single mirror is a good idea. It’s better to have a selection of good mirrors in the ranking. If you only have one and it is down or has an issue it will cause you to not be able to update.

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Thank you for the reply. I tried pacman-mirrorlist based on Wiki and some commands via the Reflector package yesterday, but not these. Do I need to remove both files before running these commands - i.e. will they generate new mirrorlist files?

The apps I mentioned above will create new files and overwrite the existing ones. So if you want to keep the existing mirrorlists, you need to backup them manually.

The apps will also rank the mirrors according to your location.

Thank you, I’ve solved the issue with your advice.

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