rtw_8822bu 1-2:1.0: rtw_usb_reg_sec: reg 0x4e0, usb write 1 fail, status: -71
Mar 17 20:56:27 anon-systemproductname kernel: rtw_8822bu 1-2:1.0: mac power on failed
Mar 17 20:56:27 anon-systemproductname kernel: rtw_8822bu 1-2:1.0: failed to power on mac
Mar 17 20:56:45 anon-systemproductname kernel: rtw_8822bu 1-2:1.0: rtw_usb_reg_sec: reg 0x4e0, usb write 1 fail, status: -71
Mar 17 20:56:45 anon-systemproductname libvirtd[1457]: internal error: Missing udev property ‘ID_VENDOR_ID’ on ‘1-2’
Mar 17 19:38:37 anon-systemproductname systemd-coredump[17687]: [🡕] Process 17675 (ThreadPoolForeg) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 17675:
#0 0x00005b8f1babbc98 n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x59c8c98)
#1 0x00005b8f1babbc3f close (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x59c8c3f)
#2 0x00005b8f1bc37f4b n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x5b44f4b)
#3 0x00005b8f1bc3849b n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x5b4549b)
#4 0x00005b8f1bad69bc n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x59e39bc)
#5 0x00005b8f1bad683f n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x59e383f)
#6 0x00005b8f1babbc97 n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x59c8c97)
#7 0x00005b8f1babbc3f close (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x59c8c3f)
#8 0x000070c475164156 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xbc156)
#9 0x000070c475165c20 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xbdc20)
#10 0x000070c475167d91 n/a (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xbfd91)
#11 0x000070c47512badc g_spawn_sync (libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x83adc)
#12 0x000070c3dca3622c spd_open2 (libspeechd.so.2 + 0x622c)
#13 0x000070c3dca3675e spd_open (libspeechd.so.2 + 0x675e)
#14 0x00005b8f1aaf05e5 n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x49fd5e5)
#15 0x00005b8f1aaefeee n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x49fceee)
#16 0x00005b8f1ba5a185 n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x5967185)
#17 0x00005b8f1ba89fb9 n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x5996fb9)
#18 0x00005b8f1ba89969 n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x5996969)
#19 0x00005b8f1ba8941d n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x599641d)
#20 0x00005b8f1ba9c4cb n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x59a94cb)
#21 0x00005b8f1ba9bf9a n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x59a8f9a)
#22 0x00005b8f1ba9be31 n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x59a8e31)
#23 0x00005b8f1babb8d7 n/a (/usr/lib/electron34/electron + 0x59c88d7)
#24 0x000070c47305870a n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x9570a)
#25 0x000070c4730dcaac n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x119aac)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
Mar 18 07:05:58 anon-systemproductname kernel: BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 0000000000000002
journalctl -b -1 | grep -i “oom”
Mar 17 20:55:19 anon-systemproductname containerd[1461]: time=“2025-03-17T20:55:19.008974990+02:00” level=info msg=“starting cri plugin” config=“{"containerd":{"defaultRuntimeName":"ru
Mar 17 20:55:48 anon-systemproductname kded6[2547]: QDBusObjectPath: invalid path “/modules/oom-notifier”
Mar 17 20:55:48 anon-systemproductname kded6[2547]: kf.dbusaddons: The kded module name “oom-notifier” is invalid!