Suggestions for Optimizing the XFCE Desktop Environment

Hey guys,

I’ve been using the DWM window manager for a long time and switched to XFCE about 5 months ago. I’ve really grown to like XFCE and plan to stick with it.

However, I miss some practical functionalities. When working with multiple windows, I find myself clicking around a lot and spending excessive time just to get an overview. This process was much simpler with a Tiling window manager.

Because of this, I’ve considered integrating DWM into XFCE, as others have done with i3 WM. If that proves too challenging, I might integrate i3 WM instead, since there’s documentation available on how to do it. My main concern is that I don’t need a Tiling WM all the time. Is there a way to switch between tiling and non-tiling WM modes?

Also, do any of you have suggestions on how I can further optimize the XFCE desktop environment?

So far, I’ve installed Picom and disabled the XFCE compositor. I recall encountering some issues with the XFCE compositor, though I can’t remember what they were at the moment. I’ve also migrated many hotkeys to sxhkd.

Additionally, I’m planning a fresh install at some point. This is mainly because I’m not entirely satisfied with my initial partitioning, and I added a swap partition later. I prefer to have my installation as clean as possible.

Set up some keyboard shortcuts to shorten the process, been a while since I’ve used XFCE but I’m pretty sure this is possible or (afterthough) open them in different workspaces and switch between them

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You can use Alt+Tab for switching between windows and you have Super (windows key)+D for minimizing all windows on the workspace.

Check this thread in the Xfce forum :

You can add/edit any command in the keyboard settings :

May I ask, what benefits have you found to this?

I’m not answering for @culcal. :grinning:
I used Picom and now a fork, Compfy, I can use rounded corners, windows background blur and nice simple animations, features the default compositor cannot provide.

edit: and you can exclude certain window class/type from the graphical effects

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I’m always interested in anything that makes my desktop experience feel a little different!