Stellarium on ARMv8

Trying to run stellarium on a Raspberry Pi 4, see also,

snapd.socket keeps failing with:


Has anyone stellarium running? Any alternative to snap? Thanks.

Stellarium is available as a flatpak, which means it should work on aarch64. Install flatpak as per

pay attention to the last line

Note: graphical installation of Flatpak apps may not be possible with EndeavourOS.

which should actually read “are not possible with EndeavourOS”

After re-boot, go to enter Stellarium in search and go to the bottom of the page where one will find

flatpak install flathub org.stellarium.Stellarium

Notice that this is from the Stellarium group so it seems to be authentic.

I will test the above after breakfast and report back


On my RPi 4b with 8 GB RAM and Plasma installed on a mirco SD card, Stellarium the flatpak version installs and launches as expected. Once in Stellarium I am like a babe in the woods so I am unable to spot any quirks that it may or may not have. Flathub has the version 22.2 Stellarium version
23.1-2 is available in the AUR but one would have to modify the PKGBUILD slightly then use
makepkg to compile an aarch64 version. With 4 core at 1.8 Ghz and only 4 or 8 GB RAM, this would probably take a long time to compile.


I confirm all of that. I tried to be faster but Gnome is slower than Plasma, so I had to wait a little longer. The flatpak version is not listed on and their versioning is a bit confusing. That said 22.2 is fine and if a few options are set e.g. by pressing "v"erbose and "c"onstellation and the bottom left hot corner is used to add elliptic and so on, it starts to look good. (screenshot will follow)

In fact, my Gnome desktop on identical hardware as yours turns out to be too slow to work with. Does a set of instructions exist how to install EOS w/ Xfce. I guess, I also need to get a modern SSD that should be much faster than a couple of years ago.

EnOS’s main DE is XFCE anyway, if you want to re-install.

Installing Xfce alongside Gnome on your existing system could be done, since both are GTK based. When the new DE (Xfce) is up and running, you could (or could not) delete Gnome (some of it, since it will share a lot of dependencies with Xfce. - Unused Gnome-apps are easier to remove from the system)…

LXDE is even much lighter than Xfce. Or you could go with a WM instead of a DE. Stacking WMs like Openbox, Fluxbox, and IceWM are among the easiest to handle.


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