When launching steam from the terminal, the logs that I can read indicate there are no obvious errors. The key factor here is that the window works as intended within XFCE and this error only occurs in hyprland so I assume it must be related to the Wayland. That being said I have tried to launch it forcing x11, and removing various caches from the app with no results. I have also already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the package.
*Edit an additional problem that I have noticed is the Heroic Games Launcher not launching, the specific package is the heroic-launcher-bin package in the chaotic-aur. I feel as this problem may be related to the steam issue
I am using the official arch repo package. I did try to force x11 using the terminal with no change to the bug. I say that ai believe it to be something going on with hyprland/wayland because i tried logging out and testing it in xfce and worked as intended.
Thing is, that is not supposed to work, so there is no error there. What I’m wondering, is where you got that idea from, because that is impossible to achieve. X11 and Wayland are completely different systems.
Apart from your BIOS possibly needing an update, I can’t see anything wrong with your system or apps at the moment.
So, a suggestion would be to update your BIOS and/or try using linux-lts in Hyprland instead of the current kernel.
Another option, is to not just uninstall Steam, but to also rename/remove the Steam folder.
Once you do this, you’d launch and sign in to Steam again.
mv .local/share/Steam .local/share/Steam-bkp
And a third option is to create a new user account, log in to it, launch and sign in to Steam, then see if you have the same issue. If you don’t have the issue anymore, then your current user settings is causing some unknown issue.
PS: I just updated my device and launched Steam just fine like before. Currently playing a game. Toodles.
lts kernel had the same results,
I tried removing it previously with pacman -Rns for the steam package previously but I will also try your method.
When I tried your above command to delete the files and reinstalling the package, it showed promise where the login window did the loop once before sticking around to be logged into as normal, and then the standard client window did the exact same behavior as before.
As I said in the above steam and heroic work as intended in an XFCE session so I don’t think it should be the steam package itself. The only other thing I can think of is using a timeshift rollback I have for the 3rd.
BIOS updates for the most part help your device internals and peripherals to work better with the Linux kernel, but of course, help with security as well.
Okay. Now try it with both kernels and/or a combination of the other suggestions.
Not sure if you tried the new user suggestion, but that one lets you know if something is wrong with your whole setup, like a package issue, or if it’s just your user settings.
After trying everything I found the load-bearing wire, I had changed my gtk theme from adwaita to kali dark. I am not kidding I changed it back to adwaita and this fixed it.