Starting Over with Xfce

When you run makepkg -is it will fail and tell you what it is missing.

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Sorry mate no offence but I’m confused about what you are talking about? I do use the terminal to update. I was just trying to clarify the difference between using yay -S or yay -G and the process it takes. I haven’t ever used yay -G or anything else just yay -S.

yay -S is used for installing an

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yay -G fetches only the recipes (PKGBUILD and maybe other files) for building a package locally. Recipes are stored into the current folder. Later you may build and install the package using those recipes and the makepkg command.

yay -S fetches the recipes to a predefined folder under your $HOME and then builds and installs the package.

And sorry about the offtopic.


Just to clarify my error: I had typed pretty much what @manuel has since put but I obviously forgot to hit the “reply” button! Woops! Glad he cleared it up! :blush:

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