[SOLVED] What is the Difference Between broadcom-wl and broadcom-wl-dkms?

I am very curious as to the difference between broadcom-wl [1.5 MB] and broadcom-wl-dkms [8.0 MB]. Both have the same version number currently and both are community-maintained.

I have the dkms version installed just now and, whenever I update with yay, I notice that dkms “uninstalls” the broadcom-wl and then, a bit later, reinstalls it.

Is there a difference, either major or minor? Is one “better” than the other?

Just curious …



I have the dkms version installed just now and, whenever I update with yay , I notice that dkms “uninstalls” the broadcom-wl and then, a bit later, reinstalls it.

it is building the modules for the broadcom chipsets against currently installed kernels, so it will be updated with each kernel update automatic.

Okay, I can see what dkms does - but is this dkms version better than the “plain” broadcom-wl program? Would there be any difference in the operation of my computer if I were to remove the dkms version and replace it with the “plain” one?

Thanks for replying to me.


It’s not a case of the one being better than the other one, it has to do which kernel or kernels you have installed.
If you solely use the Linux kernel, then the non-dkms version is adequate, if you’re using the lts, zen or hardenend kernel, either exclusively or next to the main Linux kernel. then you’ll need the dkms version.

In function to the wireless card they both do the same, the difference is purely the kernel environment you’re running on your system.

THANKS for this reply and explanation. As I do have both the Linux-Lts Kernel along with the “regular” kernel installed, I’ll stay with the dkms version.

Thank you again very much.


Not directly on-topic, but close: with Antergos I remember having trouble with the non-dkms version of nvidia driver. So after that I’ve been using dkms versions whenever possible.

The only drawback has been dkms versions are slower to install because of compiling.
But many packages that have both versions, the non-dkms version works just fine.