[SOLVED] No pdf reader can read `ps` file?

I have tried several pdf readers on EndeavourOS, with the goal of finding one that can read .ps files.

Ideally it’d be Xreader because it seems to be lightweight, but other suggestions are welcomed.

Nevertheless, when I try to open the .ps file, I get

File type PostScript document (application/postscript) is not supported

Any idea why that is?
Looking on thte web it seems like xreader should support Postscript, so I guess I am missing a plugin? But I couldn’t identify which one. poppler is installed, so is ghostscript

do you have this installed?


Just thought I would add how I came to this as a possible answer also to help others find answers to things like this.

  1. I typed postscript arch linux into google
  2. I clicked on the arch wiki link
  3. I clicked on the link to the other wiki page it linked to which gave a nice chart explaining things

Other possble ways to try solve would be go to search the package here and see what optional dependancies are needed

You can do this with most packages and there are other ways but these are nice and simple and don’t require you to really learn anything new, all you need to do is read



Edit: Just a link explaining ps files because not everyone knows what it is. :wink:


okular and ghostscript can read postscript files

Another possibility is to install zathura and zathura-ps which might be best in terms of being lightweight.

Thanks everyone, I did not have libspectre installed, and that solved the issue!

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Cool, glad you solved it and are able to view your file now.

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