[solved] Installing a GUI for a package manager


I,m trying to get a GUI for a package manager.
I don’t know which is the one you recommend here for Endeavouros.
I found this two options but i’m no sure if it is safe to remove …

[keos@keos-pc ~]$ yay -S pamac
:: There are 6 providers available for pamac:
:: Repository AUR
   1) pamac-aur 2) pamac-aur-git 3) pamac-aur-tray-appindicator-git 4) pamac-classic 5) pamac-cli 6) pamac-gtk 

Enter a number (default=1): 
:: Checking for conflicts...
:: Checking for inner conflicts...
[Repo: 4]  gcab-1.3-1  libstemmer-0+713-1  appstream-glib-0.7.16-2  archlinux-appstream-data-20191128-1
[Repo Make: 27]  docbook-xml-4.5-8  itstool-1:2.0.6-1  docbook-xsl-1.79.2-5  glib2-docs-2.62.4-1  python-lxml-4.4.2-1  python-pygments-2.5.2-1  python-anytree-2.7.3-1  gtk-doc-1.32-2  libxaw-1.0.13-2  jbig2dec-0.17-1  run-parts-  libpaper-1.1.24-11  ijs-0.35-2  libidn-1.35-2  ghostscript-9.50-2  netpbm-10.73.28-1  gts-  gsfonts-20180524-2  graphviz-2.42.3-1  vala-0.46.5-1  ninja-1.9.0-2  meson-0.52.1-1  python-markupsafe-1.1.1-3  python-beaker-1.11.0-3  python-mako-1.0.14-3  python-markdown-3.1.1-4  gobject-introspection-1.62.0-3
[Aur: 1]  pamac-aur-9.2.2-1

==> Remove make dependencies after install? [y/N]

Another option is:

 [keos@keos-pc ~]$ yay -S pamac-classic
:: Checking for conflicts...
:: Checking for inner conflicts...
[Repo Make: 26]  docbook-xml-4.5-8  docbook-xsl-1.79.2-5  glib2-docs-2.62.4-1  python-lxml-4.4.2-1  python-pygments-2.5.2-1  python-anytree-2.7.3-1  gtk-doc-1.32-2  libxaw-1.0.13-2  jbig2dec-0.17-1  run-parts-  libpaper-1.1.24-11  ijs-0.35-2  libidn-1.35-2  ghostscript-9.50-2  netpbm-10.73.28-1  gts-  gsfonts-20180524-2  graphviz-2.42.3-1  vala-0.46.5-1  ninja-1.9.0-2  meson-0.52.1-1  python-markupsafe-1.1.1-3  python-beaker-1.11.0-3  python-mako-1.0.14-3  python-markdown-3.1.1-4  gobject-introspection-1.62.0-3
[Aur: 1]  pamac-classic-7.1.1-1

==> Remove make dependencies after install? [y/N]

Any better idea?
Thanks for any commentary.

If you are going to go the Pamac route, I would recommend Pamac-aur-git. It is maintained by EndeavourOS forum member FredBezies. Since he is a community member here, you can be confident that he will be keeping an eye on it.

I also like octopi-dev. It’s also in the AUR, you can install it using yay.

I have both installed and working on EndeavourOS.

In fact, I would like to suggest again to the community that pamac-aur-git be installed as part of EndeavourOS baseline install. Although I totally agree with the idea of using pacman and yay from the command line, I love have a package manager GUI for software discovery and browsing. I think it would help retain and capture as permanent users more folks that are test driving the Endeavour distro. And with one of the forum members already maintaining it, it shouldn’t be much of a workload increase, the work is being done anyway. Anyway, it works great for me, hopefully others will find it works for them as well. And installing it myself was a valuable learning experience.


There’s also another major thing that surrounds this hot topic.
By shipping it by default we make users depending on it, by letting the user installing it themselves, we give them full control of their system.


This is exactly the purpose for what i need this GUI. Thanks!!

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To those who are interested in our vision about this read the following article:



@Bryanpwo It greatly saddens me that you (and possibly others on the team) received such scathing messages. The part about the internet that I like the least is the ease with which people can be hateful to other people. That’s actually why the only “social media” that I participate in are the forums of the distributions I have explored the past year or so: Manjaro, Antergos, and now EndeavourOS. I tried Reddit for a while, until someone totally blasted a very innocent post I made. I can’t handle that, so I quit. I’m very sorry that you have to endure such ignorance and hubris, all for volunteering your time and energy. :slightly_frowning_face:


This was nothing, I got a lot of really nasty comments when the netinstaller was postponed in November. I learned now to distance myself from it.


everyone got also a preference, i prefer close to pacman. i use tkpacman, is light small ugly packagemanager gui, :slight_smile: for aur i browse with pkgbrowser.

everyone should use what they like. thats the power you have in your own system :slight_smile:

I have the greatest respect for the distro developers and meant no offense, and have praised them effusively elsewhere in the forum. Reading back on my post I don’t see it as “scathing” and if anyone thinks it is I sincerely apologize, as it was not meant that way, it was just a suggestion from the perspective of a less experienced user. I would still be using LinuxMint or MacOS if not for these guys and their helpful community. I just have a slightly different perspective on the GUI package manager, which I have asked them to consider from time to time when it comes up. My recent discovery that a member of the EndeavourOS forum maintains pamac-aur-git seemed to be a good time to bring this up again. One reason the team has said they don’t want to ship it by default is because they didn’t want to be responsible for maintaining it, and that is very valid for the other version of pamac, which don’t seem to be maintained as well as pamac-aur-git by FredBezies. The other reason is philosophical - should one use the GUI or the command line? I wouldn’t have stuck around Antergos (and hence migrated to EndeavourOS) if Pamac hadn’t been there during my initial test drive of the system. The perspective of those of us who are newer in the ways of Arch based systems is just a little different than those of you skilled enough to make and support your own distro. Just a suggestion, certainly not an attack, and once again I thank the devs and the community for this great product and supportive environment.


@rjz Oh, no, I wasn’t referring to your post on this forum, but the Discovery article that @Bryanpwo linked to in post #5. Sorry for the confusion!

Ok. I understand now. Just like you I don’t like the hostility I see online in many places. That’s one of the reasons I hang around here now.


I personally don’t think having a GUI package manager preinstalled makes sense or any difference. Any of these tools can be installed in seconds if a person so desires to use one. Ocotopy would definitely not be “my” first choice at all and everyone has their own likes and dislikes or thoughts on what they want. That is the beauty of Linux as you can make it your own. Using pacman and yay is very simple and is a much better way to learn on an Arch based system how to use and maintain it with everyday use. Arch is all about less is more. The KISS philosophy! Endeavour has it’s own philosophy in keeping as close to that as possible and being an a fantastic community here to help.

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<soapbox>I like EndeavourOS because it provides a solid basis and lets me decide what ancillary software I need. There are great Linux alternative distros that provide everything (well most everything) a newbie needs without looking further. I have installed Arch before and can install it again, but why? EOS provides a near-Arch experience with 1/10th the effort. Everyone has preferences. And EOS lets one enjoy those preferences bloat-free without impacting others who enjoy a different set of preferences</soapbox>

Now on topic: octopi is my gui software browser and installer of choice. But more times than not I use pacman and yay.


Ah yes, KISS. For the EndeavourOS project I propose to alter that slightly.
Since there is no such thing as a stupid question here in the forums, why not
KISS = Keep It Simple & Secure.



Thanks for the info guys. Yes I did download pamac, I just like to have options. But I am new to Linux altogether and it’s been a little journey so far. I will master that command line though.


There are more people in the world who will accuse you for not doing something (in their way) but a very few will come with a solution. So, don’t worry. When someone will throw a brick to you, just avoid it and say ‘Thank you’. Do this few more and they will never throw bricks as they will feel that throwing bricks to you will be futile and their labour of writing those comments will go in vain. Be happy my friend. There are more people with you than people are not with you. :slight_smile:

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