I’ve been a Linux user for 03 years and I still consider myself a beginner. I started with Ubuntu and then migrated from Distros. I’m currently with Fedora 34 flavor Gnome 40 and for reasons of learning and curiosity, I installed the EOS flavor Gnome 40.0, where I initially have two questions:
1º I installed the EOS flavor Gnome 40.2 and I can’t connect and/or install any other extension that doesn’t come by default.
The error message that appears on the Gnome Extensions website is:
Even though the GNOME Shell integration extension is running, the native machine connector was not detected. See the documentation for connector installation instructions.
When trying to install chrome-gnome-shell it says that the package doesn’t exist and when looking for it in the ArchLinux repository there isn’t either.
2º I would like to know how to install a shop or gui for pacma-aur and if it is possible to install on EOS. I want to install other apps, but I don’t remember everyone’s name. I was a user of Manjaro and Archlinux Deepin flavor and there was the pacman-aur. I’m not sure how it works on EOS. If you can help me in this matter, I’m grateful!
Note: I prefer to update everything from the terminal using sudo pacman -Syu and sudo pacman -Syyu. Are both commands correct or on EOS if you use yay? This part for me is a little confusing. When to use one and the other?
I apologize for any error in the text above, as I used google translate from Brazilian Portuguese to English.
pacman only searches/installs packages from the repositories. yay works with both the repos and AUR and uses basically the sam syntax as pacman. My advice is to always use yay. It does everything pacman does plus more.
That being said, if you want pamac you can install it like this:
After confirming with #1, nothing else happens. Get stuck! Need to type something else? Is it still time-consuming to complete the installation? Or need to reboot?
I can’t install as yay command.
It gets stuck and doesn’t move.
I don’t see the installation happening
yay -Syu pamac-aur
[sudo] senha para edson:
:: Sincronizando a base de dados de pacotes…
core está atualizado
extra está atualizado
community está atualizado
multilib está atualizado
endeavouros está atualizado
:: Iniciando atualização completa do sistema…
nada para fazer
:: Procurando atualizações nos bancos de dados…
:: Procurando atualizações no AUR…
:: Há 2 provedores disponíveis para pamac-aur:
:: Repositório AUR
1) pamac-aur 2) pamac-classic
It looks like you selected to view the PKGBUILD diffs. It is showing them to you. You probably need to either hit q to exit there or not select to view the diffs.
2º I would like to know how to install a shop or gui for pacma-aur and if it is possible to install on EOS. I want to install other apps, but I don’t remember everyone’s name. I was a user of Manjaro and Archlinux Deepin flavor and there was the pacman-aur. I’m not sure how it works on EOS. If you can help me in this matter, I’m grateful!
you need to install
yay -S pamac-aur
BTW I do not use gnome
I only have download gnome to test for you
I don’t understand why it doesn’t install just by typing 1 or Y or N directly and it needs to be stopped with the letter q.
After typing q the installation option appears and everything happens normally.
Just an observation. Your lacklustre approach towards the AUR is setting you up for failure. You should invest some time and effort into understanding how the AUR works and how packages are built.
A good place to start is to stop using Pamac for AUR packages. There is a warning in Pamac regarding the AUR for a reason.