“Session bus not found\nTo circumvent this problem try the following command (with Linux and bash)\nexport $(dbus-launch)”
I tried the export. Made no difference.
Instead of running dolphin as root, why not install kde-servicemenus-rootactions which lets you take root actions without actually running your graphical file manager as root.
Don’t know how to implement Looked at https://store.kde.org/p/998469/: kde-servicemenus-rootaction
Actually all I need to a way to view root files. Installed nemo. It works easily.
Dolphin is known to cause headache, if you want to run it as root. That, most likely, is the reason why other distributions create a separate launcher. I’m now writing from my second OS because I wanted to check the syntax of that launcher.
You could try starting dolphin using
kdesu dbus-launch dolphin
Maybe that will solve the problem. I didn’t check if that works on EndeavourOS.
I don’t use dolphin either if I need a browser with root privileges. I use either krusader (which is awesome btw) or thunar.
I just checked (out of curiosity) if the workaround I gave you works on my system. That was also a failure.