Small Voicechat for local network needed

So, the members of my household play games together, but in different rooms on their own computer. I need something along teamspeak, which is easy to install on a server (proxmox available with enough oomph for everything) and takes not too much bandwidth (at least one of the computers is only attached via WiFi) and should be local network only - I do not want any internet or cloud based services to rely on, if I don’t have to.
Any suggestions o almighty eos forum?

Not trying to be a smart arse but have you thought about walkie talkies? Or something like that?

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Not at all an arse, this is what we are actually using. It ain’t Walkie Talkies but oldschool DECT handphones with internal calling, turned on speakers and having no impact on the network itself. Works fine. And I am fine with that solution. As well as my wife. Everything fine until recently. Eldest kid (12 yo) has it’s own computer now, wants to play a MMORPG with the wife / mum. And this spawnling is like “lol dad this is UNCOOL, I thought you know computers, give me something cool”. Well, here I am, my last time with something like this was with Ventrilo, like 50 years ago…

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What’s wrong with Teamspeak?

nice, if my nephews want “Cooler”“newer” stuff they have to work for it. I don’t make them do much but work is work and it makes them see the value in what they get from things.

Nothing that I know of, I just don’t know it. I know that it exists, and that’s all. Do you suggest it? How do you use it? Ofc I have a list (“voicechat servers linux” was used as search parameter) of possible solutions (and the Ventrilo that I can remember) but do not know any about anyone of those so I am asking for opinions, preferably but not required based on experoence. I know that this is no question about “right and wrong” or “best solution” - just a request for personal, highly subjective opinion :slight_smile:

Why not teamspeak?

Server and client are both in Arch extra repos.

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Teamspeak is probably the easiest and most reliable solution for you to selfhost. It does everything you need and nothing more, right?

From what you posted, it seems like exactly what you’re looking for.

The set up is pretty straightforward.

My 28 year old son is an avid gamer. He recommends Discord over TeamSpeak (and passionately so), using wireless headsets. It’s in the repos.

But Discord is just the client. The protocol is proprietary and does not allow for self hosted servers. @milkytwix is looking for a self hosted solution for his local network.

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Got it, sorry for my ignorance! Appreciate learning something new!


Easy to miss stuff, your suggestion was great though for someone on a network wanting it to “just work”

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Mumble? Matrix?