Since today, the forum’s hamburger menu layout, the three stripes next to your profile picture, has received a slight layout change.
The items are the same but it looks slightly different than before.
This change is an upstream change and has got nothing to do with me being overly creative, so please don’t shoot the messenger…
Thanks, I hate it!
it has a small change. Up to yesterday, the hamburger menu contained 2 buttons, one for Light mode, one for dark mode. Those are gone now. Not sure if it was a EndeavourOS - modification or an upstream tool. all it did was change the themes also present in Profile → Preferences → Interface → Theme → “Dark Endeavour” | “Light Endeavour”.
I mainly used it to switch to Dark Mode in the night and to Light Mode during the day because Discourse does not support autoswitching based on system theme/colours (maybe it does now?).
Thanks for your perceptiveness on this, I completely missed that one. I have added the options back to the menu.
In mobile, FF, the read/follow filter is gone. I think it was on the menu.
It is still there, underneath each thread, it never was on the hamburger menu.