Sleep works, Hibernate doesn't. Acts like a reboot instead

As title says, sleep works, but hibernate doesn’t. Fresh install. Swapfile on root drive set to 8GB. I have 32GB RAM. AMD cpu, NVIDIA gpu (latest driver). dual booting Win10 on nvme, but EndeavorOS is on dedicated 250GB ssd. First foray into Arch/EndeavorOS from Ubuntu land. I got all my programs and games to work, but hibernation is my last to-do on testing it as a likely OS to go replace Win10 with entirely.

I see a lot of

Apr 14 21:27:44 nova kernel: PM: hibernation: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0xfedd6000-0xffffffff]
in journalctl | grep hibernat

Searching for a fix seems quite specific to other people’s outputs. Except mine has nothing special other than this error.

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I don’t consider me an expert, but as for testing look at this
journalctl -f
and in another terminal window
systemctl hybrid-sleep

Doesn’t it need to be the same or bigger than the memory???

So I also have been having this issue, what type of motherboard do you have? It is probably a BIOS setting along with Fast boot being enabled, let me know if you figured it out or if you’re still working on the problem.

Swap should be at least as big as the memory, because it saves the memory content. Probably just shuts down if there isn’t enough swap space, idk I don’t use hibernate, since my system boots in like 3 seconds.