Should I be worried? eBPF error on boot

Hello World,

Woke up just now and booted my pc to this lovely thing:

I tried to google it but could not find the exact error and what results did show up about eBPF I didn’t understand a thing…

Could someone please dumb it down for me and explain what that error means/is it something I should worry about?

Thank you.

That seems to be related to opensnitch itself. And all I can gather from a brief search about it is that some opensnitch users experience an influx of eBPF errors message in case there is a version mismatch between opensnitch and the opensnitch-ebpf-module.

Here, on the other hand, I only see a single warning which might be an annoyance, indeed.

You could check your journalctl if there are more warnings / errors showing up. If there aren’t a lot I’ld tend to suppress that specific notification.

Furthermore, the mentioned eBPF module from the AUR won’t be installed as a dependency in case you’ve installed opensnitch via the extra repository. It depends on opensnitch-git which is also available in the AUR. Thus, no need to install that module if you’re using the version provided via extra.

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Ohhh, I didn’t even notice the tiny header where it says opensnitch!
Had I realized it was just an error from the firewall which otherwise works fine I probably wouldn’t have even bothered making this thread, my bad. :smiling_face:

Ok well thank you very much for expaining it, I’ll the the journal to see if any other interesting bits come up.

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