Yeah, mozilla now sexually identifies as a political activist.
Bye bye firefox, it was nice while it lasted (it wasn’t though, I never really used you all that much in the first place, ungoogled chromium is the sane option)
Yeah, mozilla now sexually identifies as a political activist.
Bye bye firefox, it was nice while it lasted (it wasn’t though, I never really used you all that much in the first place, ungoogled chromium is the sane option)
Since some people put a question mark, this is what I’m talking about:
Mozilla isn’t just another tech company — we’re a global crew of activists
Notably they mention firefox only once in that article, as if it’s some sort of footnote (literally).
I am really confused and don’t really get the point of your gripe. If you think about it, using Linux or BSD is itself a political statement towards privacy, freedom and that kind of things.
Of course companies, were they based on community input or were they private, always use politics to get their will done or they voice to be heard considering many aspects. And I agree with you, that wall of text they put together is something I would not expect from guys who make browsers.
I think new logo is completely ridiculous and seriously looks like someone at the age 12 draw it on sugar-high. But I think this part of the Forums is for meme’s, not political statements. And I think this applies to whole platform. But what I don’t agree on is the fact that you use somewhat derogative term. I think we should not be using sexual identity something to joke about.
And I don’t get how using Chromium saves the world, because it’s the product of Google and always will be, how unbranded it is. And I am saying this while writing this answer with Chrome.
But that’s just me. Each of it’s own I guess.
My original post was just me talking about the meme, and since some people weren’t getting it my second post was explaining what I was on about, you, meanwhile, are pulling it out of context to discuss politics, which I won’t join you on.
Because exactly as you said, this is a place for memes, not this conversation. If you don’t like the joke, it’s quite safe for you to ignore it.
so the logo is bad… because woke
Because I have 299!!! packages to update and one to install. Pray for me.
EDIT: And it begins with me needing to uninstall hyrpland, updating the system, then reinstalling it, which means I gotta log out, then log into Openbox to do so.
EDIT 2: All good in HyprBoxLand!