How did you get the Calendar to be centered on top?!?! That is the one thing from Cinnamon I miss more than anything.
Oh my goodness I must know how you customized every last megapixel.
Hi mate, I added two flexible spacer widgets and stuck the Event Calendar from here between them.
if you run archcraft
you can install archcraft-dwm
and it will work out of the box
it is very nice
Back on i3 with Polybar.
Excellent desk, very elegant !!!
Your WM always impeccable and unmistakable by the sober backgrounds !!!
Awwwweh, thank you.
Arch on Pinebook Pro in limbo ATM i try different thing + mix & match . and have small fun @ same time … no offence intend just teach myself thing
EDit add small colour to bar
looks amazing
Are you using Kronkite here?
my current desktop, just vanilla KDE with a nice background lol
Very nice background!
Welcome to the forum too
thank you, also here’s the link for the background:
Thanks, it’s a beauty.
i3wm with polybar look like xfce
amazing job
credit to flyingcakes
green(-ish). Only firefox doesn’t listen to my theming attempts.
i3wm simple with onedark theme