SDDM freezes after system update

I just ran a system update and sddm freezes every time I input my login password. What should be the correct way to resolve this? Thanks a lot!

@apachecai ,
The ā€˜incorrectā€™ way: as a workaround
Press Ctrl/Alt/F3, Log in if your account is not disabled for some time because of false intrusion.
either reinstall sddm or change for ly

systemctl disable sddm
systemctl enable ly
sudo reboot

to step back the same 1st disable ly then enable sddm.
(Ly is an ā€˜economy classā€™ login manager)


Thank you so much! Iā€™m able to login to Plasma now with Ly. Itā€™s weird that the same update didnā€™t break my other two machinesā€¦only this oneā€¦donā€™t know why. Where can I find useful key combinations such as Ctrl+Alt+F3, I almost thought I need to make a installation ISO USB then do the arch-chroot thing. Thanks again.

CTRL+ALT+F3 opens an X11 console
should you want to return to your GUI session press
and check wether tt2 (or some other) relates to the original session and
chvt 2
brings you back.
btw google is your friend (apart from me)

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This is the error message log, could you please help me figure out whatā€™s wrong:

Oct 16 22:29:17 7070sff sddm[668]: Greeter session started successfully
Oct 16 22:29:17 7070sff sddm[668]: Message received from greeter: Connect
Oct 16 22:31:52 7070sff sddm[668]: Error from greeter session: "Process crashed"
Oct 16 22:31:52 7070sff sddm[668]: Auth: sddm-helper (--socket /tmp/sddm-auth-e1488196-7317-49cb-9e71-1975f352656b --id 2 --start /usr/bin/sddm-greeter-qt6 --socket /tmp/sddm-:0-unQjVE --theme /usr/share/sddm/>
Oct 16 22:31:52 7070sff sddm[668]: Error from greeter session: "Process crashed"
Oct 16 22:31:52 7070sff sddm[668]: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 1
Oct 16 22:31:52 7070sff sddm[668]: Greeter stopped. SDDM::Auth::HELPER_AUTH_ERROR
Oct 16 22:31:52 7070sff sddm[668]: Signal received: SIGTERM
Oct 16 22:31:52 7070sff sddm[668]: Socket server stopping...
Oct 16 22:31:52 7070sff sddm[668]: Socket server stopped.
Oct 16 22:31:52 7070sff sddm[668]: Display server stopping...
Oct 16 22:31:52 7070sff systemd[1]: Stopping Simple Desktop Display Manager...

@apachecai, Iā€™m not that savvy but I would reinstall sddm.
yay -Rns sddm
if it complains about dependencies

yay -R eos-plasma-sddm-config eos-sddm-theme sddm-kcm sddm # just an example
yay -S sddm


yay # a full update might help you
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The problem is with this package ā€œeos-plasma-sddm-configā€ā€¦donā€™t know why

It was touched by DerDoktor recently. The only thing I see if
is installed then
exists and is in ā€˜chargeā€™.
Should you be fed up with this EnOS customization (or we donā€™t get the idea behind it)

sudo cp /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf /etc/sddm.conf
yay -R eos-plasma-sddm-config

at this point it may work.
If not escape forward:
I got a clean theme
sudo pacman -Syu qt6-svg qt6-declarative
the extracted theme was copied with -R switch to
modified the /etc/sddm.conf file


and I 'm prepared that some future update ruins sddm.

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Weird, I just ran updates and had the same problemā€¦ but only when my laptop is connected to my USB-dock. If I unplug, sddm correctly launches Plasma. If I then reconnect my dock, everything is fine.

Should this be reported as a bug report somewhere? There already was some pinpointing of the issue in this thread.


I can confirm this. Exactly the same behaviour here.

Are there already solutions available?