Screencast (and shots) on EOS/Gnome

I am confused about screenshots/cast on gnome (xorg)

I can take screenshots just fine using activities menu or keyboard shortcut.
I cannot take screenCASTS, which apparently is only possible with a keyboard shortcut and in no other way (terminal or gui).
It just does nothing when I enter the adequate keyboard shortcut.

Researching I found that Gnome apparently should have this inbuilt:

Which left me even more confused because for some reason, on my system the gnome-screenshot package is installed, which I believed to be said inbuilt feature, it is however not, it is just another screenshot app (which is incapable of doing screenCASTS).

Furthermore, reading online, it appears others have had this issue and the suggestions there where to make sure gstreamer and vp8 are installed. They are. Nonetheless I also tried to install the suggested gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins AUR, which was a huge f**** mistake and did nothing else than add some 50 packages to my install and then failed to build (so I removed all the blunder it installed right after, and trying to figure out how to remove the keys it asked me to import in the meantime).

… I remain without the ability to do a screencast.

  1. Does anyone know if I can somehow trigger the screenCAST via terminal so I could at least see if there is some imminenet error?
  2. Why the inbuilt screenshot feature in gnome AND the gnome-screenshot package? I am unfortunately not sure anymore if it was me that installed this or it comes by default?
  3. The million dollar question: how to make screencasts? (simple screenrecording)

I am under the assumption that once again I just miss something crucial right in front of me… and don’t see it :frowning:

Reference of what I see when doing screenshot using gnome inbuilt tool attached below

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As an old (fashioned) user, I would just give up and run an X session - which gives you lotsa choices for screen recording. Being on XFCE, I would probably use simplescreenrecorder - but come to think of it I seem to remember it being GTK compliant…

Not really responsive, but perhaps a workaround if you need it soon?

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I like old. It usually works/

Meanwhile found the topping of all nonense - you need to press V while the gnome inbuilt screenshot thing is open. Then the icon to the left bottom turns into a darker icon and you may then record rather than take a screenshot

That starts a counter on the activity menu. Click that, closes the counter. And no video, who is surprised lol

I also tried this which is an older issue/solution, but it did not help.
I also tried this on Wayland and got the same results.

Off to trying the solution you suggest now. It might just so be that once again, the older is the better/ I will feedback here.

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Works as expected on my end : GNOME | Wayland | Arch

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This is utterly weird.

Is it possible I am missing some package it does not tell me about?
It is kind of difficult to determine what it needs, since it is inbuilt.
I unsintalled totem recently and that might have removed a bit more than asked for (and since it is video related, I could imagine something is connected)

however, note I can meanwhile trigger screencast, just need to press the V button (which I can see you do not, as it is there already as an icon)
This looks like we are running distinct versions of gnome lol.

Very weird!

I can also confirm simplescreenrecorder suggested by @freebird54 works just fine.
A bit a clunky thing compared to the Gnome UI, of course, but it does the job (for now at least)
Thanks for that.

I’m suspecting that this got something to do with theming the app, not the packages itself.

I see that you have themed your recording app, it looks… Cinnamon Mint-y.

Could you try to revert all back to default and see if it’s back? :confused:

otherwise you could also try Kooha.

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I tend to install a minimal GNOME. Not even all the packages in gnome group get installed on my system for not talking about gnome-extra group. So Totem was never installed in my system.

@proficiency seems to be onto something :bulb:

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(and yes, this is not vanilla EOS nor an ideal machine … I know)

Regarding theme/icons, I would totally understand it to break the icons, but the functionality itself?
Can themes break functionality? In the end these are just style modifications, as I understand?

Triggering the feature in console is impossible, correct?
I am pretty sure that if I can see an error I can find a solution, but having it no terminal command… where would I look for related errors? I think this could tell what is going on more precisely?

Error log during the actions of starting a (gnome native) screencast and terminating it:

dbus-daemon[14393]: [session uid=1000 pid=14393] Activating service name='org.gnome.Shell.Screencast' requested by ':1.16' (uid=1000 pid=15100 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell")
NetworkManager[841]: <info>  [1702451934.7665] dhcp4 (enp4s0f1u1): canceled DHCP transaction
NetworkManager[841]: <info>  [1702451934.7665] dhcp4 (enp4s0f1u1): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds)
NetworkManager[841]: <info>  [1702451934.7665] dhcp4 (enp4s0f1u1): state changed no lease
gnome-shell[15100]: Error starting screencast: Timeout was reached
gnome-shell[15100]: Error stopping screencast: Timeout was reached

I had hoped for something more “useful” :smiley:

Yep, this is the exact argument used by GNOME dev/designer regarding their stance on theming Libadwaita/GTK4: :upside_down_face: (despite the emote, I actually agree with them).

Hope this information help you somewhat.

Just came here to say that I reinstalled eos (t2) in full from scratch and got the same result even in the live ISO.
I don’t have the “will” to try vanilla eos because it requires things I don’t have at this point (mouse, keyboard) to put it on my mac… so this is likely an issue in t2 Eos. However the climate in said distro community was a little to aggressive for me so I’ll give up on this one and just use another tool.

Without installing native eos I can’t exactly tell if it’s an issue restricted to t2 eos or gnome or else.

I appreciate everyone’s help in here, as always learned along the way.

The only thing I know for certain at this point is it worked in past because I did have a sub folder in the video folder in the old install (named something like screencasts or so)
That folder isn’t created in the new install even taking a screencast. So it might well be some new bug slipped in in some recent update.
Seeing that difference made me vaguely recall I had successfully tried out screencast in past… at the very begin some weeks ago :sweat_smile:

could be something related to gpu and driver too if you search for the issue that the screencast option does not show up… you will find people with the same issue…

from what i see it is not really a dependency issue must be something automatically set like if GPU is supported it shows if not it is not there…

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… … …. I reinstalled it again. And guess what.

The icon is there… the screencasts work…

I’m at a loss as of what and how happened exactly.

Is it possible that some hiccup in the network (internet, mirrors, etc) causes some package loss here or there that can cause such things?
I literally installed the same live iso, with the same settings, with the same machine and partition.
So the only that could differ is the online install process (when it pulls packages during the install).

In any case, this is… magically resolved.

Standard Linux experience, to be honest with you.

installer would fail if so.
Could be a regression with GPU drivers of some kind …

It … is wonky. Appears and disappears randomly. At least now even when it disappears I can press V and the screencast is still saved.

So far so good. I’ll cross fingers for now.

I’m 2 days in delay to send my famous screencast lol so that’s priority now haha.