Robust and accurate CD ripper?

Installed Freac from AUR, keeps crashing for some reason. Looking to rip some CD’s into .flac accurately.

Have you tried asunder?

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I have not, but using Rubyripper as of this moment, so far, so good. But I’ve read good things about Asunder. I think most of my music is available on lossless streamer Qobuz, about to buy Cambridge Audio’s entry streamer that will run Qobuz, and download the files since the app won’t run native on Linux. So a good app to supplement the cd’s they don’t offer is needed, Rubyripper seems to be working for now, and with the option of Asunder, I think I may be covered. Odd Freac started crashing towards the end of my first cd and doing so with any other cd, even after reboot, so something is barfing I assume with one of the dependencies.

If you are OK with the terminal and oldschool applications, I can highly recommend abcde, A Better CD encoder. Robust, runs on anything, configurable, rips also include covers if desired, can rip to different formats in parallel.