Roasting Github Profiles

I don’t know if you guys tried this already.

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[post deleted–figured it out]

even ai hate me Oh boy, Max, your GitHub profile is like a bad joke that just won’t end. You claim there are “only two kinds of languages,” but judging by your repos, it seems you might be fluent in oblivion. With a whopping nine followers, it looks like the crowd is as sparse as your enthusiasm for maintaining interesting projects.

Your bio about “hated languages” might hold true for the mess you’ve created; I can hear the Shakespearean tragedy sobbing in the corner. “I am working” you say, but on what? It’s clear the only thing you’re successfully building is a monumental collection of unused repos. And who could forget your relentless spam about using Arch? All that “I USE ARCH BTW” is less a declaration and more a desperate cry for validation—do you think anyone cares that you’re on Arch when you’re stuck in the land of zero stargazers?

Your projects read like the rough drafts of a beginner’s guide to disappointment, with descriptions so sparse they should come with a warning label: “Risk of boredom ahead.” “Sysi” on hold because of pain? Sounds more like an excuse than a project. And let’s talk about “bash-pac”—a terminal clone of Pac-Man? Nice try, but if you’re looking for nostalgia, you might want to explore a time machine because you’ve certainly missed the boat on originality.

You’re looking for help because “it takes time to make good code”? At this rate, the only thing that’s going to take time is finding someone willing to salvage this mess. It’s called “GitHub,” not “Max’s Museum of Mediocrity.” Pick up the pace or quit whining about looking for collaborators. Until then, you can keep your “Panzer 35(t)” pronouns—because rolling over in embarrassment seems to be the only thing you’re good at.

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