My limited understanding leads me to believe that a sequence of keystrokes will ‘unlock’ your stalled operating system for what ever reason and restart the system back to normal uninterrupted functionality and operation? (hardware / software hiccup). . .
I’ve enabled this selection in the Welcome menu under ‘Tips’. What am I missing. . . . in terms of operation and usage?
What if your wifi keyboard is unresponsive and does not work because of the computer freeze up? I’ve noticed that from time to time on different computers. The old ctrl-alt-delete sequence from days of old using hardwired keyboards worked pretty good. Does the old fashion reset switch and power interruption become a major issue here?. . . . it’s not a power surge to restart the system to reset everything.
I believe your thinking that a wifi keyboard is no different than a wired keyboard however your mistaken each has a priority and wifi has a lower priority than a wired keyboard. I think in order for this to work you need a direct connection to the mother board. I haven’t even tried it with bluetooth I should now just so see if it works with that.
The idea of REISUB (or Magic SysReq Key) is that shutting down your computer properly helps to prevent data loss or corruption.
Even if your computer isn’t frozen, and you shut down by holding the power button, rather than letting the OS end processes correctly, you are risking data corruption/loss.
And like @thefrog said, a direct connection may be required because a wireless connection may get severed when your system freezes. As such, this combo may not work.
That’s the idea, you’re really not risking much though, i’ve occasionally forced computers off this way since the days of PATA hard drives and windows 98 and never encountered data loss from it, not on ntfs, not on ext3 and not on ext4.
The chances of it happening are miniscule, but it can indeed happen.
However, just as a fun note. a friend of mine always turned his pc off this way (yes, madness, I know) and it was always fine, until one day his pc just wouldn’t start anymore, e.g. doing this somehow fried his mb or psu.
I’ve noticed on some occasions when the mouse pointer freezes up on the screen so does the computer keyboard both using a usb dongle. Wifi components work using what principle? They come with usb plugin units. I have Logitech keyboard/mouse combo’s that are wireless. That’s what’s confusing to me. A hard wired keyboard and mouse probably wouldn’t have this issue as far as using the keyboard Ctrl-Alt-Del key strokes. I have a bluetooth usb dongle plugin that’s explicitly for bluethooth devices (smart watches, headphones etc. ) I’m confused.
Data corruption would only happen I think when you’re using a sata-drive with spinning platter and armature. . . .these can prematurely wear out and can be damaged and cause the system not to boot up if the correct area’s on the platter are corrupted from reading and writing.
Then press R-E-I-S-U-B and press them with like a half second or full second in between
You should then see some messages on a black screen that tell you what you just did and what is going to happen next. Something like, “you just entered a specific mode, stopping processes, rebooting, etc.”
Now, noticed I said on “my” system. This method of properly shutting down your device when it freezes is unfortunately not consistent across all devices.
Read the thread that was link for any more details you need on it.
Lastly, shutting down in this way in the event of a system freeze is a recommendation, not a requirement. If you are confident that you won’t lose/corrupt your data by pressing the power button or unplugging, then by all means, do what you prefer since you may be right.
My laptop battery is practically useless, so it’s just plugged in without the battery, and I’ve had many shutdowns due to power outages.
For the files I often use, I haven’t noticed any corruption, but notice what I said, “files I often use”. There are thousands of other files that are on my device that I won’t know if they are okay until I happen to open them in the future.
Thanks for your input. . . . you’ve cleared up how to use this. I did what you stated. . . . i.e.
(1) press and hold ‘alt’ and press ‘print-screen’
still holding down the ‘alt’ key after releasing the ‘print screen’.
(2) keyboard type ‘r’ ‘e’ ‘i’ ‘s’ ‘u’ ‘b’
then release the ‘alt’ key
boom !!! . . . . the screen goes black and the system reboots. . . . no message on screen though.
Now I’ll have to see if it works when the wifi mouse and or keyboard lock up in the future for what ever reason and see if it will respond else do
a raw button ‘reset’ if it doesn’t work . . .
Well, I was right . . . . if your wireless mouse and or keyboard locks up this procedure has no effect. The system needs to be rebooted by using the pwr button. . . . . Just tested it out on my mini-pc which locked up momentarily. It does work as stated but with wireless keyboards and mice no effect after they lock up.