I don’t use this laptop very much. Did an update and 542 packages were updated.
So far everything works except reflector-simple. I am guessing something went awry during such a massive update. I’m not wrapping my head around the yad error. Not sure why everyone else’s works bu t not mine.
I don’t have a ~/.profile directory, maybe that’s it.
[don@ThinkPad ~]$ locale -a
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_COLLATE to default locale: No such file or directory
edit 2
I also did localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
You could create a new user and see if it works there.
Might also be a problem with .bashrc …
Guess there’s something in your locale.conf or anything else imported to the user-profile (.bashrc, …) that sets an invalid value, so file parsing may have stopped when encountering a broken entry.
I finally went to the Arch WiKi, which I should done in the first place. My bad.
Followed this from the WiKi
Before a locale can be enabled on the system, it must be generated.
This can be achieved by uncommenting applicable entries in /etc/locale.gen,
and running locale-gen.
This fixed the problem. The large update must have corrupted something.
I guess I payed too much attention to the yad errors that reflector-simple was throwing.
locale-gen is in glibc package. When glibc is updated, it seems (by the Archwiki note logic) that locale-gen should be executed again, in case changes are in some way incompatible with the previously generated languages. A glibc hook seems to be a proper safety guard/solution. There is currently no such hook from upstream.
Maybe this can be reported upstream to the glibc packager, and/or EnOS supply one for the distro. :wi/nk:False alarm.
I have just run my huge update and the output reminded me (I should have remembered, but brain deterioration is unavoidable, sadly…) the package itself runs locale-gen after each glibc update, so no extra hook is required .
wau i mean yea experienced users may will do that … but … … there should be a hook for this by default … why a user should think about this ? (sry for ranting … )