I tried to remove systemd-boot and install rEFInd but what it looks like it happened is rEFInd boot screen comes. It presents a “boot rescue” icon (lifebouy and paddles). If I select it another boot menu appears what seems to be “systemd-boot”.
How can I completely remove systemd-boot and make rEFInd work normally as in boot into EOS directly from rEFInd boot screen?
What I did:
Creatd seperate /efi and /boot partitions. Gave them required GUIDs using gdisk.
Remove systemd-boot
# bootctl remove
Install and configure rEFInd:
$ yay -S refind
# refind-install
$ cat /boot/refind_linux.conf
"Boot with standard options" "root=PARTUUID=<PARTUUID> rw initrd=\\1df23bce3e1c430f8e2d21fbde2e760e\\6.10.7-arch1-1\\initrd"
"Boot to single-user mode" "root=PARTUUID=<PARTUUID> rw single initrd=\\1df23bce3e1c430f8e2d21fbde2e760e\\6.10.7-arch1-1\\initrd"
"Boot with fallback initramfs" "root=PARTUUID=<PARTUUID> rw initrd=\\1df23bce3e1c430f8e2d21fbde2e760e\\6.10.7-arch1-1\\initrd-fallback"
$ tree /efi
├── EFI
│ ├── BOOT
│ │ └── BOOTX64.EFI
│ ├── refind
│ │ ├── BOOT.CSV
│ │ ├── drivers_x64
│ │ │ └── ext4_x64.efi
│ │ ├── icons
│ │ │ ├── arrow_left.png
│ │ │ ├── vol_net.png
│ │ │ └── vol_optical.png
│ │ ├── keys
│ │ ├── refind.conf
│ │ ├── refind_x64.efi
│ │ └── vars
│ │ └── PreviousBoot
│ ├── systemd
│ │ └── systemd-bootx64.efi
│ └── tools
├── loader
│ ├── entries
│ │ ├── edk2-shell.conf
│ │ ├── eos.conf
│ │ └── windows.conf
│ ├── loader.conf
│ └── random-seed
└── System Volume Information
14 directories, 108 files
$ sudo tree /boot
├── 1df23bce3e1c430f8e2d21fbde2e760e
│ ├── 6.10.7-arch1-1
│ │ ├── initrd
│ │ ├── initrd-fallback
│ │ └── linux
│ └── 6.6.48-1-lts
│ ├── initrd
│ ├── initrd-fallback
│ └── linux
├── EFI
│ └── Linux
├── loader
│ ├── entries
│ │ ├── 1df23bce3e1c430f8e2d21fbde2e760e-6.10.7-arch1-1.conf
│ │ ├── 1df23bce3e1c430f8e2d21fbde2e760e-6.10.7-arch1-1-fallback.conf
│ │ ├── 1df23bce3e1c430f8e2d21fbde2e760e-6.6.48-1-lts.conf
│ │ └── 1df23bce3e1c430f8e2d21fbde2e760e-6.6.48-1-lts-fallback.conf
│ └── entries.srel
├── lost+found
└── refind_linux.conf