Raspberry Pi 400 $70 Desktop PC

VLC is my main goto anyway, and since I have a work around for now, I have a few items higher on my todo list to occupy my spare time.

Plus, My main Arm device is the Odroid N2 and the Raspberry Pi 4b was and is mainly for testing purposes for Arm Development. There has been a flurry of pulse audio updates in the last few days, so maybe I need to do a test install on the RPi4 and see what shakes out.


So they finally got round to their initial promise of producing a “modern” BBC Micro Model B. :roll_eyes:


(Though the keyboard won’t be anywhere as good. :grin:)


My first contact with a computer was with ABC 80. Many years ago! Then I bought an Amiga 500. That was where my interest in computers began.

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So - how will its emulation be? There IS an emulator for that, right? :grin:


I think I’m going to order one tomorrow. $134.95 Cdn + shipping + tax.

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Funny, I told myself I probably (!) wouldn’t - until I could add some more memory to it…

Wavering, now! It could join others of the same construction type, such as the C64, the C128, the A1200 and… and possible even emulate some of them?

It looks nice, but I hate the fact the keyboard is so flat. I find them so uncomfortable to type on, to the point I even carry an external keyboard with my laptop, if I’m going to do any prolonged typing or coding.

If it were embedded into a nice, long-travel mechanical keyboard, I’d buy it in a heartbeat, even for triple the price.

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Sometimes i feel that i’m the only one in a world of enthusiasts, who really don’t like classical long-travel keyboards and prefers silent low-profile stuff (but only the quality ones), like some of Sony VAIO vgn z11 laptops :upside_down_face:

Haven’t tasted this Raspberry, but from the looks of it it might be nice (a little loud to me, but still)


Yes, you are a weird one… :frog:


Oh, I’d so have ordered one already if it was in a mech keyboard body. Cannot agree with you here more.

I’ve ordered one of these, but had to pay extra for shipping and VAT.

I’m very much looking forward to using this device, especially to try out using EndeavourOS ARM.

It only has 4GB RAM, but has a faster CPU than the Pi 4, so hopeful to see some added improvement here to compensate.

How have you been getting along with ARM on these Pi devices?

Here is a Raspberry Pi 4b 4 GB RAM with Firefox with 5 TABS open, VLC open and playing music, Gimp, and LibreOffice with writer open. Plus htop which shows 1.50G/3.70G

I have no proof, just a subjective view on this, but it seems to me that ARM - RISC does a better job of memory management, probably because they know there won’t be much of it. Whereas x86 Linux machines seem to have a if you got it why not use it approach. Just my opinion.

My experience has been that any Arm device with 4 core or higher, running at least 1.5 Ghz, with 4 Gb RAM will do most everyday chores. If one is buying an Arm device for gaming, graphics rendering, or compiling, or any other CPU intensive uses, Arm will disappoint.


When I shut down all apps except htop, it showed 690M/3.70G memory usage.
Screenshot from 2020-11-05 12-06-50


I’ve never had a problem with 4GB of RAM on Linux on regular stuff. Not even my Windows takes that much in normal use :wink:


Here is another review on the Raspberry Pi 400. This review has a retro gaming section.



I have one on pre-order with canakit, says it will ship Nov 11.



It looks cool. If I bought one though I would mount it to the wall in some fashion and use a unifying receiver for mouse and keyboard in one USB port and use it from my couch.

Anyone played stadia on it?

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Haven’t ordered one yet but was looking at the same.

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I’m getting the itch. Just may have to order one.

what desktop is on raspberry pi os?

LXDE desktop environment!

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