Question: What would it take to bring an own EOS repository pamac

Manjaro has it, and Arco Linux too, Pamac is a very convenient peace of software,
and as from EOS it comes installing an AUR Pamac.

That installation is often quite wacky maybe also because of the AUR snap
implementation, so it is very unstable I would say.

My question would be, how much is the effort or what would it take to
bring Pamac as from EOS repository?

I am not telling it should be made, just wondering should ( could ) it be made ?

we will not provide pamac.
Nothing more to say about. :wink:

Users can build and install one of the AUR versions and use it and you will get support if you have issuesā€¦

But we want to stay as close to arch as possible. Using arch means you need some knowledge on how to solve package issues via terminal, providing a graphical package shop would seduce new users not to deal with the underlying commands and functions.


Unstable because designed for Manjaro (not arch) and snaps ā€¦

We have had many discussions over this on the forum.

And hereā€™s one article about it, released almost two years ago:


Most stabl packagemanager is also the ugliest :sweat_smile: inner working of pamac can be problematic depend when pacman get updated.

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understand ā€¦ I skipped pamac, why it was more trouble getting it through the updates as the convencience it would bring. I am good even without, was just wondering ā€¦


We are close to Arch, not Manjaro or Snaps. Customise how you like, that is free but the pure distro should remain simple: K.I.S.S. Beyond that we can add what we like, it is up to us to learn, and help each other to learn. Surely?


I also totally skip snaps. Do not need them :slight_smile:

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Best answer sir


Pamac can be quite nice for browsing packages (when it doesnā€™t start lagging), but we do not recommend using it for real maintenance work.
Pacman is the most reliable package management tool, and yay can handle AUR packages very well.

Many users may not notice the fact that pacman can give important information about the packages while updating and installing them. This helps general system management considerably and greatly helps avoiding potential future issues.


Itā€™s in the AUR, nothing else to say.

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I use pamac to look at things and then use the terminal to decide. Itā€™s common sense!


UNDERSTOOD, THE TOPIC CAN BE CLOSED SORRY I BROUGHT IT UP AGAIN. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

That answer is also the ā€œsolutionā€ to this topic. I had just written a startup script,
wich went like yes | pamac update -a and this worked much better then
yes | pacman -Syu because pamac from above did not forget to update the PGP-keys and mirrors,
but I am sure I can teach that to pacman also in near future :slight_smile:

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Per OP request