Question about the GDM logo change with pacman

It changed a few weeks ago, I’m just curious how you guys changed it from the arch logo with pacman?

Distributions based on Archlinux, Debian, etc. are Free Open Source Software (FOSS) which means they have to make the source code publicly available. Source code and Trademarks are different things. Source code has to be made public, while Trademarks are protected.

In the case of EnOS, Archlinux requires us to remove any and all Arch branding from our distribution.

The above is why the change was necessary, @dalto @joekamprad and @manuel are in a better position as to how it was done.



We added a gschema override to change it.

The change is here:


Is there a way to go back to the previous look of the gdm login screen before Archlinux logo started being displayed there? I very much preferred that plain look.

I think this should do the trick

sudo -u gdm dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.login-screen logo ''

Just leave the value empty.



It did the trick indeed. Thanks a lot!

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