Hello Everyone,
I’m currently running KDE Plasma and Qt Designer was already installed in it.
A few days ago i installed Qt Creator form official repositories.
Today when i was following a tutorial on Signals and Slots , the video showed the method of selecting one widget then pointing to the other widget using mouse :
I am not sure I entirely follow the issue you are having. However, I can say that Qt designer and the Design functionality inside Qt Creator are completely separate applications. While there is overlap in functionality. Qt Designer does have functionality that Qt Creator doesn’t have and vice-versa.
In Qt Creator, where is there is a button named “Edit Signals/Slots”? There is a pain at the bottom named “Signals and Slots Editor” but that doesn’t require clicking on a specific object to use.
You can also right click on the object and select “Go to slot”.
It depends what you are actually trying to accomplish.