PSA: bug in Nvidia driver causes dbus spam

I’m not going to worry about every little issue. There’s always going to be some issue big or small. My system works fine for what i use it for. There are no issues. For the most part i haven’t had any issues with Nvidia installing or updating. No bugs here! :relieved:

Like here written:

For OP it seems to be v470.74

Did you mean 470.94? I can’t find any 470.74 packages with yay.

  1. Read OP
  2. Install AUR package mentioned in OP
  3. Start service mentioned in OP
  4. (Maybe) reboot

See if that helps with your issue, if not - just disable service and uninstall AUR package, then it’s not cause for your issue…But it looks to me like it is

Yeah I went through the nvidia-fake-powerd steps in the OP, which yielded no changes in my problem.
I see no reason to believe rebooting is going to help the problem, seeing as it would only revert the steps from the OP.

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Ok, that’s too bad :slightly_frowning_face:

I’d try, just in case.
When it’s connected to Kernel / drivers reboot sometimes required.


just tried rebooting and got the same performance in blender.
Is it possible that switching from 495 to an older or another driver would solve the problem?

Like already 9034753476349070349534095734905 times said in this thread, read the Thread from nvidia forum.

Install older, for you knowing working driver version. it would be a 470 one.

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I assume this could help, if the downgraded driver supports your GPU.

Yeah it seems that qumiciel from said forum is having the same problem as I am, except on Garuda linux.

With all respect : Did you read any of the links posted earlier related to the bug in the LATEST driver (which means 495 and NOT 470)?

Install 470 and your good to go (if you didnt had any problems with a older driver)

Actually, looking back, my problem in particular has nothing to do with nvidia drivers, simply a problem with blender’s interaction with the arch system.
The recommendation to this thread was a faulty one and I would delete all of my comments here if there was not a time barrier.

So you tried the 470 Nvdia driver and the problem persisted?

I’d say, this is a brave claim. Any proof for this? No problems here with Blender 3 and 390 Nvidia driver.

The problem persisted when no nvidia drivers were installed( showing why this has nothing to do with nvidia drivers), as well as with 470xx drivers.
The blender 3.0 installation was working perfectly for a while on arch, until I ran a system update with pacman.

The problem is less apparent when the window is scaled down, if this provides any possible solutions.

In my opinion, this points directly to an GPU/driver issue. Smaller window → less rendering necessary.