Problems switching from Cinnamon theme to KDE Plasma

Hi guys!!! I recently switched to KDE Plasma 6 from Cinnamon. I removed everything from the old DE, but now I am having some problems with the theme.

The KDE Plasma theme is only displayed in some applications, most applications load the old Cinnamon theme. The old theme is a Nordic theme for cinnamon, but I can’t find it in the user’s hidden folders.

I have already tried using Kvantum’s customizations, but it doesn’t seem to work.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Could you describe how you did this? The command line, the procedure you used?

Does pacman -Q | grep cinnamon output anything?

Perhaps you have eos-settings-cinnamon left behind?

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When you switch DEs, it is often safer to create a new user account so everything is clean going forward.


Have you used qt5ct or qt6ct? Remove the environmental variables it sets (or just uninstall qt5/6ct as not needed in Plasma).

Cinnamon uses GTK app. I suppose the proper theme is being used for KDE/Plasma’s Qt applications.

In KDE Settings (Appearance - not the one for Window decorations but the window content) there’s a dedicated button bottom right to set the GTK theme. May be this is still set to nordic?

(Sorry, currently not on my linux machins, so I can’t provide a screenshot - I hope I remembered correctly where the button is)

Thanks for reply, here there is output:

cinnamon-translations 6.0.2-1
eos-settings-cinnamon 2.0-1

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Remove them and reboot.
See if it will make any difference.

If not, please follow @dalto’s advice and create a new user to start things from scratch.

It doesn’t change anything. I know there is a way to make the user as new, but I have a lot of settings and things I don’t want to redo from scratch.

No luck, the settings are correct

Unfortunately, I can’t remove qt5, there are many dependencies that interrupt the removal.

If they are system-wide, then they won’t be changed.

If DE related, you would need to set it up from the beginning since you have switched DE.

Other non-DE related settings, for example from DE agnostic applications are to be found under your current home folder. Those can be copied over.

Not qt5 - qt5ct and qt6ct - uninstall both if installed - plasma gets screwed up by them.

I removed qt5ct but the problem is still the same, maybe the only solution is to create a new user.

Ok, that’s strange, even with a new user the problem is still the same! Is there a folder with the Cinnamon template, which maybe I forgot?

I think it’s the GTK theme, but I don’t understand how to change it.

Try lxappearance or nwg-look to change the theme. I cannot for the life of me see where it is in system settings now.

Rebooted into plasma to find it!!!

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WTF! It was so simple?? Hahahaha THANKS MAN!

That was what I meant. They moved the button from bottom to top… ;/

Glad this worked!

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