Problem with bluetooth keyboard repeating keys

Hey all, I’m having a weird problem with my blueetooth keyboard. It’s a Logitech Ergo K860 and i’m using Endeavour OS with currently 6.12.16-1-lts linux kernel.

It worked well from the moment that I bougth the keyboard, but suddenly it started to do weird things.

Sometimes when I’m coding its laggy for like 1 or 2 seconds and then suddenly all the letters are typed together.

Sometimes a keystroke is repeated for a brief moment like a second and then it stops.

It really disrupts my coding sessions specially when I’m typing fast.

This started happening like a month or two ago, and I searched everywhere and don’t know what to look for really.

My wife has a Windows PC and I used this keyboard in the same fashion just for test purposes, and it didn’t behave like this, so I now for sure that it’s not the keyboard.

I checked dmesg as soon as the problem occurs but I got nothing.

I keep my software updated daily, so I don’t know if some package is the culprit of this problem.

I would really appreciate the help.

Thank you!


I have a logitech K470 that behave really weirdly as soon as I plug certain type of usb keys or cords on the port next to the receiver… nothing I can do except unplug the stuff…
I dunno if your problem is related but there’s that…


try to plug the usb receiver into an usb 2.0 port or us a a short cable extender to move the receiver a bit away from the port when you only have usb 3.0. usb 3.0 is known to cause trouble with BT receivers.

thanks for your replies!

in my case i don’t use a usb reciever, i am using bluetooth to connect to the laptop, the weird thing is i didn’t change anything and it just started to do this weird things

Have you tried to re-pair the keyboard? Sometimes helps here, if devices do weird things.


yes, i’ve tried that several times but still it’s behaving abnormally

thanks for your reply!

Sorry, but no better idea then. Wish you luck with that keyboard.


Batteries are still okay?

Might be a try as the indicator led on my cherry keyboard is sometimes not very reliable. result is that sometimes keystrokes are not sent or are delayed.

yup, i checked with fresh new batteries and it still working that way, not all the time, but almost :frowning: