Problem updating ruby, anyone experienced?


I would like a solve a problem in my ruby install that prevents me from updating this package, but I am quite inexperienced on the topic.
Running “yay” fails with a bunch of errors like:

erreur : la validation de la transaction a échoué (conflit de fichiers )
ruby-bundler : /usr/bin/bundle est déjà présent dans le système de fichiers
ruby-bundler : /usr/bin/bundler est déjà présent dans le système de fichiers
ruby-psych : /usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.0.0/extensions/x86_64-linux/3.0.0/psych-4.0.4/gem.build_complete est déjà présent dans le système de fichiers
Des erreurs se sont produites, aucun paquet n’a été mis à jour.
 -> error installing repo packages

(By the way, do you know how to get command outputs in English?)

I could find a workaround to update all unrelated packages by running:

sudo pacman -Syyu --ignore=ruby

followed by

yay -Syu --aur

for the AUR packages.

I know from that the install could be system-wide or local, and I fear there might be both of them competing at the moment because I blindly tried different tutos until I could get a specific gem working.

Any advice on how to clean this mess? Thanks!

( For example: LANG=C sudo pacman -Syu)

Very helpful, thanks! Now I can update simply with yay.

Any advice on how to properly setup ruby gems in arch?

Isn’t the ArchWiki article you linked to helpful?
Beyond that, I am afraid I couldn’t be of much more help.
I am sure other users well-versed in Ruby will chime in and give you some good pieces of advice.

Bonne chance!