Post your pacman -Qm

Could you elaborate on that? It seems I’ve missed out on that news :sweat_smile:

datagrip 2020.2.2-1
datagrip-jre 2020.2.2-1
ifuse 1.1.4-1
intellij-idea-ultimate-edition 2020.2-1
intellij-idea-ultimate-edition-jre 2020.2-1
nordvpn-bin 3.7.4-1
postman 7.30.1-1
pycharm-professional 2020.2.1-1
slack-desktop 4.8.0-1
webstorm 2020.2b202.6397.88-1
webstorm-jre 2020.2b202.6397.88-1
zoom 5.2.440215.0803-1

aerc 0.4.0-3
bombadillo-git r375.abc6a17-1
ffmpeg-compat-57 3.4.2-3
flips 1.31-2
glow 0.2.0-1
grex 1.1.0-1
micro 2.0.7-1
mugshot 0.4.2-1
onefetch 2.3.0-1
pakku 0.14-1
sf-transrobotics 1.0-1
spotify 1:
spotify-tui 0.21.0-1
tealdeer 1.4.1-4
timeshift 20.03-1
timeshift-autosnap 0.9-1
ungoogled-chromium 85.0.4183.83-1
webp-pixbuf-loader 0.0.1-2
ytop 0.6.2-2

aerc: A modern email client for the command line, although it doesn’t yet have threads.
bombadillo: A Gemini protocol browser - been meaning to give this a try.
ffmpeg-compat-57: Adds local file playback support in Spotify.
flips: Simple IPS patcher.
mugshot: cp ~/Pictures/compass.jpg ~/.face, but in 740.47 KiB of Python :no_mouth:
onefetch: Neofetch for Git repositories - buggy and useless, but totally cool.
pakku: Unmaintained, but rock solid, AUR helper. Does a lot of things “right” - almost what you’d expect if the pacman developers suddenly decided to implement AUR functionality.
sf-transrobotics: Marketing font for the robotics team I lead.
spotify: Somewhat ethically ambiguous music consumption. Works well.
spotify-tui: Just what it sounds like, Spotify for the terminal. Works well.
tealdeer: Simplified man pages (fast version).
timeshift: Great system backup / restore tool for everything except your home directory (there I use grsync)
webp-pixbuf-loader: Adds webp support to viewnior

glow, grex, micro, ytop, timeshift-autosnap, ungoogled-chromium: Covered in Favorite Lesser Known Programs

The rest is all theming stuff :stuck_out_tongue: (highly recommend gtk3-nocsd)

beautiful-discord-git 66.44ea225-1
gtk3-nocsd-git r71.cea22bb-1
lemonbar-xft-git 269.00a3fe6-1
papirus-icon-theme-git 1:20200901.r10.gff367561db-1
papirus-maia-icon-theme-git 20200417.7338bf0-1
polybar 3.4.3-2
spicetify-cli 1.1.0-1
xcursor-breeze 1:5.19.1-1


[derek@archcinnamon ~]$ pacman -Qm
android-messages-desktop 4.2.0-1
appimagelauncher 2.1.2-1
bpytop 1.0.26-1
downgrade 8.1.1-1
freetube-bin 0.7.3-1
inxi 3.1.06-1
joplin 1.0.245-1
kernel-modules-hook 0.1.7-1
korla-icon-theme 1.3.0-1
minetime-bin 1.8.6-1
onlyoffice-bin 5.6.4-1
popsicle-git 1.1.0.r1.g903614f-1
protonmail-desktop 1.0.6-2
protonvpn-cli-ng 2.2.4-1
rpi-imager 1.4-3
simplenote-electron-bin 1.21.1-1
spotify 1:
tilix-bin 1.9.3-1
timeshift 20.03-1
topgrade 5.7.0-1
ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-12
ungoogled-chromium 85.0.4183.83-1
update-grub 0.0.1-7
yay 10.0.4-1
zoom 5.2.458699.0906-1
[derek@archcinnamon ~]$
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~ > pacman -Qm
autokey 0.95.10-1
bash-git-prompt 2.7.1-1
instawow 1.14.1-6
libpdfium-nojs 4183.r0.6069b8345e-1
mkinitcpio-openswap 0.1.0-3
python-aresponses 2.0.0-2
python-loguru 0.5.2-1
python-questionary 1.5.1-2
python-slpp-git r46.b947496-2
spicetify-cli 1.1.0-1
spicetify-themes-git r424.17d0670-1
spotify 1:
teamviewer 15.9.5-1
timeshift 20.03-1
ttf-iosevka-term 3.6.0-1
ufetch-git 1:r159.98b6220-1
vundle 0.10.2-2
xcursor-breeze 1:5.19.1-1
yay 10.0.4-1
~ > pacman -Qm | wc -l
gnome-terminal-transparency 3.36.2-1
micro-bin 2.0.7-1
pamac-aur-git 9.5.10.r0.ga474a10-1
pop-gnome-shell-theme-bin 5.2.0-8
pop-gtk-theme-bin 5.2.0-11
pop-icon-theme-bin 2.1.0-6
timeshift 20.03-1
ttf-roboto-slab 3:2.000-2
angrysearch 1.0.1-1
balz 1.20-2
gpu-viewer 1.27-1
i-nex 7.6.1-5
komga 0.59.0-1
lib32-gmp4 4.3.2-2
paq8o 9-1
peazip-gtk2-bin 7.4.0-1
python2-twodict-git 1.2.r2.g925d3bd-1
qdirstat 1.7-1
sayonara-player-git 1.6.0.beta6.r17.g21020349-1
soulseekqt 20180130-13
youtube-dl-gui-git 0.4.r81.gc5c18e5-1
zpaq 7.15-1 1:0.1-1
appimagelauncher 2.1.2-1
audacious-gtk3 3.10.1-1
audacious-plugins-gtk3 3.10.1-1
bitdefender 7.7.1-44
conky-bargile 0.1a-6
conky-git 1.11.6.r5.g1abae952-1
ddrescue-gui 2.1.0-1
debtap 3.3.1-1
dvdrip 0.98.11-14
eddie-ui-git 2.19.4-1
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.7.7-1
etcher-bin 1.5.108-1
flacon 6.1.0-2
gamin 0.1.10-9
gconf 3.2.6+11+g07808097-9
gksu 2.0.2-6
glxinfo 8.4.0-1
gnome-alsamixer 0.9.7-4
gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-8
gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu-git 48.Stable.r0.g0a422fd-1
gnome-shell-extension-material-shell-git r437.01cca4f-1
gnome-terminal-transparency 3.36.2-1
gnome-vfs 2.24.4-12
gthumb-git 3.8.2+149+gdae26923-1
inxi 3.1.06-1
libart-lgpl 2.3.21-5
libbonobo 2.32.1-4
libbonoboui 2.24.5-3
libgksu 2.0.12-8
libgnome 2.32.1-7
libgnome-data 2.32.1-7
libgnomecanvas 2.30.3-4
libgnomeui 2.24.5-3
libreelec-creator-bin 1.3-3
makemkv 1.15.2-1
mkinitcpio-openswap 0.1.0-3
mkvtoolnix-git r13195.016708fac-1
mp3gain 1.6.2-1
nautilus-admin 1.1.9-1
networkmanager-dispatcher-ntpd 1.0-7
nordnm-git 0.8.1-1
nordvpn-bin 3.8.4-1
orbit2 2.14.19-7
playmymusic 2.2.1-1
pygtk 2.24.0-12
python-imutils 0.5.2-2
python2-getdevinfo 1.0.6-1
rezound-svn 0.13.1beta.r2033.date20170830-1
sardi-icons 20.5-3
split2flac-git 141.491591d-1
tkpacman 1.9.1-1
trizen 1:1.63-1
ttf-wps-fonts 1.0-5
woeusb-git 3.3.1.r0.gf21bb19-1
wps-office-fonts 1.0-2
xcursor-breeze 1:5.19.1-1
xorg-font-utils 7.6-6
yay-bin 10.0.4-1

Only a few here

Where got evolution

[ringo@Godofhighschool hobby]$ pacman -Qm
chromium-widevine 1:4.10.1679.0-1
imgur-screenshot-git v2.0.0.r1.g0f53c6e-1
pkgbrowser 0.23-1
sddm-config-editor-git 0.1.r57.gc01cbcd-1
simplicity-sddm-theme-git 64-1
tkpacman 1.9.1-1
[ringo@Godofhighschool hobby]$

reinstalled cause has chroot issue :stuck_out_tongue: will try to keep this shape but stil ;à

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Still not much here…

lollypop-stable-git 1.4.5.r5.g63688f31-1
popsicle-git 1.2.0.r0.g7c364df-1
python-apscheduler 3.6.3-1
spotify 1:
timeshift 20.03-1
timeshift-autosnap 0.9-1
vorta 0.7.1-2
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I see pattern here :laughing:


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I have a few

audacious-gtk3 3.10.1-1
audacious-plugins-gtk3 3.10.1-1
conky-lua-archers 1.11.3-2
dvdrip 0.98.11-14
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.7.8-1
ffmpeg063-static 0.6.3-1
flacon 6.1.0-2
gamin 0.1.10-9
gconf 3.2.6+11+g07808097-9
gconfmm 2.28.3-6
gimp-plugin-beautify 20121117-1
gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-8
gnome-shell-extension-nordvpn-connect-git r172.1145747-1
gnome-terminal-transparency 3.38.1-2
gnome-vfs 2.24.4-12
gnome-vfsmm 2.26.0-4
graveman 0.3.12-1
imagination 3.6-1
iscan-plugin-gt-s650 2.30.4-2
lcms 1.19-7
lib32-pangox-compat 0.0.2+2+gedb9e09-3
libart-lgpl 2.3.21-5
libbonobo 2.32.1-4
libbonoboui 2.24.5-3
libglademm 2.6.7-5
libgnome 2.32.1-7
libgnome-data 2.32.1-7
libgnomecanvas 2.30.3-4
libgnomecanvasmm 2.26.0-4
libgnomemm 2.30.0-4
libgnomeui 2.24.5-3
libgnomeuimm 2.28.0-4
libhandy1 1.0.0-2
lollypop-next-git 1.4.5.r18.g8aedb28ec-1
makemkv 1.15.3-1
nautilus-admin 1.1.9-1
nordvpn-bin 3.8.6-1
orbit2 2.14.19-7
pangox-compat 0.0.2+2+gedb9e09-3
popsicle-git 1.1.0.r4.g9fa1f70-1

[alienprober@TheMotrhership ~]$ pacman -Qm
angrysearch 1.0.1-1
balz 1.20-2
cpu-x-git 4.0.1.r48.g361b018-1
deluge-git 1:2.0.4.dev38.g23a48dd01-1
emby-theater-bin 3.0.12-3
freefilesync-bin 11.3-1
gpu-viewer 1.30-2
gruvbox-dark-gtk 1.0.1-1
handbrake-cli-git 1.3.3.r12.gf84dfca16-1
i-nex 7.6.1-5
komga 0.64.4-1
kvantum-theme-akava-git r14.0c22434-1
kvantum-theme-nordic-git 1.9.0.r20.gd30d332-1
lib32-gmp4 4.3.2-2
paq8o 9-1
peazip-gtk2-bin 7.4.2-1
pkgbrowser 0.23-1
python-sabyenc3 4.0.2-1
python2-twodict-git 1.2.r2.g925d3bd-1
snapd-git 2.47.r274.gc4c8b0b679-1
vdhcoapp-bin 1.5.0-1
youtube-dl-gui-git 0.4.r81.gc5c18e5-1
zpaq 7.15-1

Here is my updated list


[nigel@arch ~]$ pacman -Qm
arch4edu-keyring 20200805-1
libsndio-61-compat 1.3.0-1
opensubtitles-uploader 2.5.0-1
shadow-tech 5.0.783-1
tuxedo-backlight-control-git 0.7.r9.g05940fb-1
tuxedo-cc-wmi 0.1.7-3
tuxedo-control-center 1.0.7-1
tuxedo-keyboard 2.0.6-2

pamac-all 9.5.12-1
snapd 2.47.1-2
snapd-glib 1.57-3
update-grub 0.0.1-7

cpu-x 4.0.1-1
edid-decode-git r472.81c64eb-1
geteltorito 0.6-1
hw-probe 1.5-1
ksnip 1.7.3-1
libcpuid 0.5.0-1
onlyoffice-bin 6.0.2-1
qdirstat 1.7-1
ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-12
usbimager 1.0.5-1

adb-screen-tools 0.4-4
adbfs-rootless-git r108.5b091a5-1
android-sdk-platform-tools 30.0.5-1
antudark-icons 0.7-1
anydesk-bin 6.0.1-1
audacity-wxgtk2 2.4.2-1
bauh 0.9.8-1
blackpenguin 0.2-4
cpupower-gui 1.0.0-2
defendguin 0.0.12-2
destinationsol 2.0.0-2
diskscan 0.20-1
dockbarx 1.0beta+r820+4a5b382-4
docker-commander 1.1.8-1
dockerize 0.6.1-1
drawio-desktop-bin 13.9.9-1
e_dbus 1.7.10-1
endeavouros-galleon-grub 0.5-1
epson-inkjet-printer-201115w 1.0.1-9
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr2 1.1.24-1
fluid-git v1.2.0.r39.g1bb3ad8-1
flutter 1.22.4-1
fvwm-crystal 3.4.1-3
fvwm-themes 0.7.0-1
fvwm-themes-extra 0.7.0-1
fvwm-xdg-menu r51-2
gamin 0.1.10-9
gbacklight r5.6c053a2-1
gconf 3.2.6+11+g07808097-9
gconf-sharp 2.24.4-7
gio-sharp 0.3-3
gkeyfile-sharp 0.1-4
glide 0.13.3-3
glimpse-editor-git 0.1.0.r1081.g506132fd3c-1
gnome-keyring-sharp 1.0.2-6
gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-8
gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock 69-1
gnome-vfs 2.24.4-12
ipscan 3.7.3-1
libart-lgpl 2.3.21-5
libbonobo 2.32.1-4
libbonoboui 2.24.5-3
libgnome 2.32.1-7
libgnome-data 2.32.1-7
libgnomecanvas 2.30.3-4
libgnomeui 2.24.5-3
libliri-git r167.c8d11b8-1
libui-git alpha4.1.r319.ga0a98071-1
lightdm-slick-greeter 1.4.1-1
liri-appcenter-git v0.1.0.r232.g4fc5a5f-1
liri-browser-git r257.7140867-1
liri-calculator-git v1.3.0.r88.g5009068-1
liri-cmake-shared-git v1.1.0.r30.g071ec5d-1
liri-eglfs-git r55.d55225b-1
liri-files-git v0.1.0.r133.g95b28f3-1
liri-networkmanager-git r153.3f368c9-1
liri-platformtheme-git r99.c95b9b1-1
liri-power-manager-git r160.df812a5-1
liri-pulseaudio-git r148.0c0a039-1
liri-screencast-git r74.5f81c22-1
liri-screenshot-git r164.2720378-1
liri-session-git r99.0e933d8-1
liri-settings-git v0.9.0.r222.g55f2d8a-1
liri-shell-git v0.9.0.r489.g0582246f-1
liri-terminal-git v0.2.0.r112.g28c9286-1
liri-text-git v0.5.0.r112.g13e9f18-1
liri-themes-git v0.9.0.r55.gd1beaeb-1
liri-wallpapers-git v0.10.0.r40.g2a6c999-1
liri-wayland-git r69.ddd3c38-1
loki-lib 0.1.7-3
lutris-wine-meta 2.1.0-2
lwjgl2 2.9.3-1
masterpdfeditor-free 4.3.89-1
mint-themes 1.8.6-1
mint-x-icons 1.5.5-1
mint-y-icons 1.4.3-1
mongodb-bin 4.4.1-1
nemo-media-columns 4.6.0-1
nemo-meld-compare 1.0-1
netbox 2.3.1-2
networkmanager-l2tp 1.8.2-1
nm-tray-git r187.bd027f3-1
nodejs-nativefier 10.1.5-1
notify-sharp 0.4.1-3
ntfs-3g-fuse 2017.3.23-1
ntfs-automount 0.4-1
ntfsfixboot 1.0-4
ode-011 0.11.1-2
optimus-manager 1.3.1-1
optimus-manager-qt 1.5.3-1
orbit2 2.14.19-7
pamac-all 9.5.12-1
phalcon-devtools 4.0.2-1
php-pear 1:1.10.19-2
php-phalcon 4.1.0-2
php-psr 1.0.0-2
pyakm 0.0.2-3
pygtk 2.24.0-12
python-cheetah3 3.2.5-4
python-coreapi 2.3.3-1
python-coreschema 0.0.4-2
python-django-cors-headers 3.4.0-1
python-django-debug-toolbar 2.2-1
python-django-mptt 0.11.0-1
python-django-rest-swagger 2.2.0-1
python-django-tables2 2.3.3-1
python-itypes 1.2.0-1
python-ncclient 0.6.9-1
python-openapi-codec 1.3.2-1
python-polib 1.1.0-3
python-py-gfm 1.0.2-1
python-pypdf2 1.26.0-2
qml-xwayland-git r86.3d6335b-1
qt5-accountsservice-git v1.3.0.r21.gcc8bbdc-1
qt5-gsettings-git v1.3.0.r26.g7215f41-1
qt5-udev-git r77.f80ba68-1
r-studio-for-linux-bin 4.9.3919-1
r8168-dkms 8.048.03-1
resvg 0.11.0-2
sayonara-player-beta 1.6.0_beta6-2
silly 0.1.0-9
sleuthkit-java 4.10.1-0
snapd 2.47.1-2
snapd-glib 1.57-3
speedtest++ 1.14.r68.1877803-1
systemd-manager 1.0.0-2
testdisk-wip 7.2-1
tlpui-git 2:1.3.1.r1.gf3a9ca9-1
ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-12
unifi 6.0.36-1
virtualbox-ext-oracle 6.1.16-1
visual-studio-code-bin 1.51.1-1
vnstatui 0.8.2-2
whatsapp-nativefier 2.2045.15-1
wine-gecko-bin 2.47.1-1
xdg-desktop-portal-liri-git r74.22ebac8-1
xnviewmp-system-libs 0.97.1-1
xorg-font-utils 7.6-6
youtube-dl-qt-git 84.g4008c24-1
zenmap 7.80-3

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Ouch… I try to use as few as possible. :flushed:

1 Like

$ pacman -Qm
cnrdrvcups-lb-bin 5.20-1
cups-bjnp 2.0.3-1
ee-editor 1.5.2-4
ifstat 1.1-1
popsicle-git 1.3.0.r0.gb9d9332-1