Post your pacman -Qm

Pi (trying it out as a desktop):

electron28-bin 28.2.4-1
figma-linux-bin 0.11.3-0
kquickcharts5 5.115.0-1
novelwriter 2.2.1-1
vesktop-bin 1.5.1-1


adwaita-qt6-git 1.4.1.r29.g0a77436-1
figma-linux-bin 0.11.3-0
fontdownloader 10.0.0-1
freetube-bin 0.19.2-1
iio-sensor-proxy-git 3.5.r7.1f5069d-1
kdav5 1:5.115.0-1
kpeoplevcard 0.1-2
kquickcharts5 5.115.0-1
krunner5 5.115.0-1
librewolf-bin 123.0.1-1
librewolf-bin-debug 123.0.1-1
mawk 1.3.4_20240123-1
nofetch-git 03_18_24-1
nvm 0.39.7-1
openvpn-reconnect 1-2
pfetch 0.6.0-3
pokemon-colorscripts-git r112.0483c85-1
qt-installer-framework 4.7.0-1
qt-installer-framework-debug 4.7.0-1
storyboarder 3.0.0-1
telegram-desktop-bin 4.14.15-1
telegram-desktop-bin-debug 4.14.15-1
ttf-material-design-icons-extended 7.2.96-1
ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-12
vencord-desktop-bin 0.4.4-1

:grimacing: in my defense, I need a few electron apps for school

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downgrade 11.3.0-1
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.8.5-1
ffx264 4.2.0-1
gnome-icon-theme 3.12.0-7
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.12.0-6
jmtpfs 0.5-3
p7zip-gui 16.02-8
pacseek 1.8.2-3
simple-mtpfs 0.4.0-1
yay 12.3.4-1
youtube-dl 2021.12.17-2

Unless you actually need the debug builds, you can change debug to !debug in /etc/makepkg.conf on the OPTIONS line to stop building those.

OPTIONS=( ... blah blah blah blah ... !debug ...)

See this post here:


I noticed you are using youtube-dl. I recommend yt-dlp instead, which is a fork and addresses some issues and enhances it a bit (and is available through the Arch repos, not AUR): If you ever have a speed issue with youtube-dl being not able to download in full speed, try it out.


Using yt-dlp on my other rig, great suggestion.
Thanks for reminding me.

downgrade 11.3.0-1
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.8.5-1
ffx264 4.2.0-1
gnome-icon-theme 3.12.0-7
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.12.0-6
jmtpfs 0.5-3
p7zip-gui 16.02-8
pacseek 1.8.2-3
simple-mtpfs 0.4.0-1
yay 12.3.4-1
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BTW I just noticed you have yay installed through AUR? And apparrently I have it installed it too?

$ yay yay
3 ...
2 endeavouros/yay 12.3.4-1 (2.9 MiB 8.5 MiB) (Installed)
Yet another yogurt. Pacman wrapper and AUR helper written in go.
1 aur/yay 12.3.4-1 (+2142 47.32) (Installed)
Yet another yogurt. Pacman wrapper and AUR helper written in go.

Why does it not get listed with pacman -Qm on my output? I’m a bit confused at the moment.

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pacman -Qm
brother-hll4815dw 3.2.1_1-2
dialect 2.2.0-1
f3 8.0-2
freetube-bin 0.19.2-1
gnome-terminal-transparency 3.50.1-1
gnome-terminal-transparency-debug 3.50.1-1
humanity-icon-theme 0.6.16-1
icecat-bin 115.8.0-1
icecat-bin-debug 115.8.0-1
jitsi-meet-desktop-bin 2024.1.0-1
librewolf-bin 123.0.1-1
librewolf-bin-debug 123.0.1-1
museeks-bin 0.13.1-1
onlyoffice-bin 8.0.1-1
python-gtts 2.5.1-1
radiotray-ng 0.2.8-3
radiotray-ng-debug 0.2.8-3
tiger 3.2.3-4
ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-12
zoom 5.17.11-1

d-a-a-a-a-a-m-n nothin like a little -Qm to dust off your brain. I forgot all about tiger
-Ss "A security scanner, that checks computer for known problems. Can also use tripwire, aide and chkrootkit"
—used it once. was like a way-less-disgusting-version of ClamAV where 499 things are a false positive and 1 may be a pup…tiger was sensible but turned nothing up.

f3 " Simple tool that tests flash cards capacity and performance to see if they live up to claimed specifications"–someone rec’d this to me to detect counterfeit usbs…forgot to use it.

museeks the smallest music player I ever used and for that I appreciate its simplicity.

oh icecat you break-everthing rascal, we are not parting:)

the -debugs are all misleading since they came in with the proper packages and not explicitly chosen by me.

GREAT old topic as I love deleting packages I never use. bravo.


bauh 0.10.7-1
bottles 2:51.11-2
cemu-bin 2.0.72-1
fvs 0.3.4-2
icoextract 0.1.4-3
mission-center 0.4.4-1
mission-center-debug 0.4.4-1
patool 2.2.0-1
python-pathvalidate 3.2.0-1
python-steamgriddb 1.0.5-2
vkbasalt-cli 3.1.1-2

Because you have installed it from a repo configured in your /etc/pacman.conf: [endeavouros]

-m, --foreign

Restrict or filter output to packages that were not found in the sync database(s)

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Did I? Isn’t yay installed at default? (I genuinely don’t remember.)

The relevant part is that it is installed from a repo which is in your pacman.conf.

If you use pacman -Ss yay you should only see that it is installed from evdeavouros.

When you use yay yay, it finds the same package with the same version in 2 sources. It cannot “know” where it is installed from. That is why you are seeing two sources in the output.


phoronix-test-suite 10.8.4-1
photofilmstrip 4.0.0-1
pix 3.2.2-4
pix-debug 3.2.2-4
pixelitor 4.3.1-1
popcorntime 0.5.0-2
pygtk 2.24.0-12
python-pulsectl 1:23.5.2-1
python-pyzor 1.0.1b-2
python2 2.7.18-10
python2-cairo 1.19.1-2
python2-debug 2.7.18-10
python2-gobject2 2.28.7-7
radiotray-ng 0.2.8-3
sage-data-conway_polynomials 0.5-5
samsung_magician-consumer-ssd 1.0-1
samsung_magician-consumer-ssd-debug 1.0-1
skychart-bin 4.2.1-2
snap-pac-grub 2.0.2-1
speedometer 2.9-2
stacer 1.1.0-1
stellarium-bin 23.4-1
timeshift-autosnap 0.9-1
units 2.23-1
units-debug 2.23-1
ventoy-bin 1.0.97-1
vertex-themes 20170128-1
videocut 2.2.1-4
videocut-debug 2.2.1-4
virtualmoonatlas-git v8.2.8.gfc79c0c5-1
xnviewmp 1.6.5-1
xnviewmp-debug 1.6.5-1
zoom 5.17.11-1


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This is really helpful! Thanks for the link :smiley:

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ani-cli 4.8-2
brother-dcp1510 3.0.1_1-4
brscan4 0.4.11_1-2
google-chrome 124.0.6367.118-1
gwe 0.15.7-1
jdownloader2 latest-19
oh-my-zsh-git r7210.803e1a784-1
python-injector 0.21.0-1
python-py3nvml 0.2.7-1
python311 3.11.9-2
spotify 1:
tmatrix 1.4-1

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alpm_octopi_utils 1.0.2-5
bottles 2:51.11-2
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr 1.8.5-1
epson-printer-utility 1.1.3-1
etcher-bin 1.18.11-1
fvs 0.3.4-2
heroic-games-launcher 2.14.1-1
icoextract 0.1.5-1
imagewriter 1.10.1432200249.1d253d9.2.20-1
octopi 0.15.0-4
patool 2.2.0-1
protontricks 1.11.1-1
protonup-qt 2.9.2-1
python-inputs 0.5-4
python-pathvalidate 3.2.0-1
python-steam 1.4.4-2
python-steamgriddb 1.0.5-2
python-vdf 3.4-3
qt5-singlecoreapplication 2.6_20170914-1
ventoy-bin 1.0.97-1
vkbasalt-cli 3.1.1-2
whatsapp-for-linux 1.6.5-1

alpm_octopi_utils 1.0.2-5
amarok-git 3.0.0.r6.g1b6733d-1
amok-exif-sorter 3.00-1
appimage-appimage 13-1
appimage-installer 2.0beta2-3
auracle-git r373.fc335fc-1
auracle-git-debug r373.fc335fc-1
btrfs-assistant 2.0-1
caffeine-ng 4.2.0-1
cinnamon-sounds 1.8.0-1
clementine 1.4.0rc2-6
converternow-bin 4.2.1-1
cpu-x 5.0.4-1
freetube-bin 0.20.0-1
gaiasky 3:3.6.0-3
gnome-radio 46.0-1
imagewriter 1.10.1432200249.1d253d9.2.20-1
impression 3.2.0-1
javahelp2 2.0.05.r90-7
lact 0.5.4-2
libpasastro 1.4.2-1
lightzone 5.0.0beta2-2
naps2-bin 7.4.2-2
octopi 0.15.0-4
pacaur 4.8.6-1
pacseek 1.8.3-1
phoronix-test-suite 10.8.4-1
photofilmstrip 4.0.0-1
popcorntime-bin 0.5.1-2
python-pulsectl 1:24.4.0-1
radiotray-ng 0.2.8-3
skychart-bin 4.2.1-2
stacer-bin 1.1.0-5
stellarium-bin 24.1-1
video-trimmer 0.8.2-1
virtualmoonatlas 8.2-1
xnviewmp 1.7.1-1
zoom 6.0.2-1

rich :wink:

On my fairly recent Cinnamon rebuild:

candy-icons-git r1172.1c29e1c-1
cinnamon-sounds 1.8.0-1
freetube 0.20.0-3
gnome-online-accounts-gtk 3.50.2-1
pacseek-bin 1.8.3-1
pix 3.2.2-5
sweet-folders-icons-git r14.b2192ff-1
ventoy-bin 1.0.97-1
visual-studio-code-bin 1.89.0-2
vivaldi-widevine 1:4.10.2710.0-1
xplayer 2.4.2-3
xplayer-plparser 1.0.3-1
xviewer 3.4.4-1

How is Librewolf different from Firefox besides not having google as a search option?

  • they expose a lot of options that are usually hidden
  • they add UBlock Origin by default
  • they set cookie and history options to never be saved (imo dumb, but I get it)
  • they remove any telemetry
  • they remove Pocket and other bs Mozilla added to Firefox

That’s what I know of. I’m sure it does more but yeah

Check out the features list.