So, I know we’re all here now. But, it’s time to date yourselves folks. Let’s see some RETRO Linux screenshots. Where did y’all come from? How long have we been doing this? Surprisingly I don’t have many more screenshots from those early days - early for me at least, but I do have these.
I believe this was my 1st real distro. Ubuntu 14.04 from March 2015
And then my long term love came next with Mint in 2016
I know I don’t have any of my old screenshots, but the FIRST distro I was SUCCESSFUL getting online with was LibraNet Linux from the LATE 90’s/early 00’s. It started me on my love of Debian, since it was Debian with a lot of handholding (was needed back then) and simplifications. Was the first distro I managed to get my hated WinModem to work in (I lived in the boonies, broadband was a pipe dream at the time), and led directly to my abandoning Windows 3-5 years after getting it working.
This is from 2011. Pretty sure it’s Arch and Gnome2. I’m kind of embarrassed to share this because of the wallpaper, but I guess on the plus side the conky bar at the bottom is kind of nice.
I don’t have any pictures from when I first got into Linux 2006. When I got back into it in 2018… here are four, in chronological order, me testing different DEs and putting way too much time into things:
Here’s a few. Most of the really old ones are on older machines. Since I dropped Samba, I’d have to go set up SSH on them - and they aren’t exciting enough to do that now.
First off - Ubuntu 6.06 (Gnome 2)
Ubuntu 12.04 (Unity)
Ubuntu 14.04 (Unity - type 1)
Ubuntu 14.04 (Unity - other mood)
Ubuntu 18.04 (Briefly Gnome 3)
Any more would be just showing off Conkys! (and too current)
I started with Linux 2006 and Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake. Unfortunately, I have no screenshots from that time. The latest old I have is fairly new from 2018.
But if this thread is up in 10 years, it’s a bit retro