Port Odroid-N2 image to Khadas VIM3


I have a khadas vim3 pro SBC which is very similar SOC with Odroid N2. I wanted some help porting Endeavour OS to vim3. Manjaro and Armbian already officially support it so i do have basic understanding of the partitions i need to create.

What i think might work is below:

Flash endeavour OS arm for ODROIDN2 to USB, then replace the boot partition files of N2 with boot partitions file of vim3 from a manjaro image containing init.rd, dtbs folder and extlinux.conf etc.

Am i right in assuming all this or need to make further changes to make it happen?

Thanks for all the help. If possible i am willing to become a beta tester to make khadas vim3 officially suppported by Endeavour OS.

Thanks again.