Please can we please get an option for universal/standard keybinds in EOS WM?

Currently, each WM config is maintained separately by a Community Edition maintainer.
Most keybindings as are vanilla as possible.

The Window manager editions are kept minimal on purpose as they are supposed to be DIY.
If you don’t like the keybindings, please feel free to change them in your configs.
What you deem normal for qtile might not be normal for bspwm.
I don’t see a point for universal keybindings if most people edit them anyways.

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No, you misunderstood me. You’re perfectly entitled to be lazy, as long as you can stand the consequences of it. You’re too lazy to change the keybindings? That’s perfectly fine, but then suffer the default ones.

There are times when I’m lazy, too. I suffer the consequences of it, but that’s the amount of suffering I’m willing to endure (which is well offset by the pleasure I get from being lazy) so I can afford to be a bit lazy from time to time. You can also be intelligent and minimise the effort required for some desired result. That’s all commendable.

But laziness cannot be your primary mode of existence, or you’re going to suffer greatly.

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That for sure, I have seen this, it’s sad.

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:scream: n9ooooooooooo

You forgot +Shift…

But seriously, dwm makes most sense in it’s keybindings. I can intuitively switch to dwm if it were only for this.

Haha! I actually find the out-of-the-box keybindings on dwm to be terrible. They conflict with so much software, it’s a mess. The first thing I always do before even compiling dwm for the first time is replace Alt with Meta in all of the default keybindings. Then it becomes manageable.

My mind boggle ( think correct word ) total insane !!!

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dwm? Or the whole thread? I was already waiting for an @Shjim zen and calming statement about your system your rule :wink:



Your system your rule!!


That’s how it should be!

It often isn’t, though, especially when you’re using proprietary software.

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I would actually suggest if we wanted a unified keybinding setup - it would be based on i3 as that’s the only official wm setup we use. If there were to be a universal, they should all be the same as i3, not qtile.

Who would ever think I agree with a frog. .

I have used super+shift+x for years.

Closing words:

  1. as @sradjoker already mentioned, community editions are special configs created and maintained independently by community members.

  2. There is no “EOS WM” aside from i3 where the keybindings are not “vanilla” i3 because it is also a setup developed together with the community, and there are some limitations and unique usecases related to the WM itself that causing a custom set of keybindings.

  3. Also i3 and xfce4 installs providing a lean startpoint that is fully functional as a Desktop, it is only a starting point to setup the install to your personal liking.

  4. EndeavourOS keeps an open structure on development and contribution, feel free to create a Pull Request and add your solution at the source. We will do what we can to add it optional or default available.
