Playing a video on Firefox doesn't prevent Screen Blanking

A few days ago I started noticing this. While playing a video on Firefox, screen goes to sleep :frowning:

I’ll test mpv later, and a few kernels.

edit1: I think I found the culprit.

I rebuilt the package “libva-nvidia-driver”, and now systemd-inhibit --list --no-pager shows correctly the inhibit:
libxfce4ui 1000 mb 1238 xfce4-screensav idle Inhibit requested block

edit2: no luck, next video played on firefox didn’t request the inhibit block

When I ran xfce, I noticed that it wouldn’t disable power management screen blanking.

My workaround was to disable screen blanking by using the following command in ~/.xinitrc:

xset s off -dpms

Reference: Arch Wiki’s DPMS page.

This is still happening.

anyone running vanilla xfce, firefox and nvidia?

I’m testing firefox-nightly, and this hasn’t been fixed yet.

This seems fixed on the Mozilla side.

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