Plasma Wayland - good for general use now?

Wayland being generally usable will be years out, if that. I’ve been thinking that a good signal might be a distro that ships Wayland as default, and perhaps without X11. But should also get decent reviews - can’t just be a distro thrown together and barely works.

Several youtubers recently tried wayland and decided that it wasn’t quite ready: Linux Cast, Linux Experiment, Erik @ Arco Linux. Likely others too.

There are actually quite a few distros shipping wayland by default with plasma. For example, I believe both Fedora and OpenMandriva do.

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Install sddm-git from AUR if you want instant fix for that bug.

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Ubuntu defaults to Wayland on non Nvidia hardware.

But Ubuntu doesn’t ship plasma by default so I am not sure that is relevant here. :wink:

Since this is a topic about plasma wayland, I think A distro that ships plasma wayland by default was implied.