Plasma Pamac Tray Icon?

To get the icon in tray for Pamac, does this still work?


I know I know, im just use to it lol. :rofl:

Not sure if it works but the at is an AUR package. Give it a try and see.

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@ricklinux I’m back to Plasma from Gnome, what did i miss? :laughing:

Going to try it when home.

As far as I know, the use of Pamac is not really supported under Plasma. On KDE, I use the Welcome application to update packages. I don’t even have a Pamac tray icon. I know it wrong?

Your post is pure BS.

You’re right, I confused Pamac with Discover in terms of support on KDE.

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Okay lets not get too harsh here. :wink: I think the OP is just ill informed or confused regarding Pamac and the tray icon. Discover was removed some time ago. Not that one couldn’t use it. Discover is used on many other KDE installs even on Arch based distros. EndeavourOS is not using it as it is trying to stick with minimal non gui based packages and the use of the defacto package manager pacman and an AUR helper yay. Keeping it KISS! Also don’t forget about pacseek which is another TUI based tool for package management.


@ricklinux is correct, got confused haven’t used KDE in a long time.

Sorry for the confusion.

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… am I correct to assume that what you need is to have the Pamac icon in the tray? And tray means tasbkar, right?
if yes, you can just launch Pamac through start menu and then rightclick on it’s icon in the tray and select “Pin on the taskbar” or something like that.
you can change the order of pinned icons too, by just holding the left mouse button and moving them around

Not quite. What they want is the app indicator in the system tray which informs the user if there are updates or the system is up-to-date etc. Not pinning the app icon on the panel.


The thing is not that Discover is not supported by KDE.

The issue is that it uses packagekit as backend for installing and updating packages which obfuscate the process and this might lead to issues on Arch (-based) systems where in some cases user intervention is necessary.


So the bottom line is, in the end, Discover is not recommended for package updates on KDE in Arch-based distributions.

Or gnome-software on GNOME for that matter.
Generally speaking anything which uses packagekit, like apper to have another example.

that’s strange; when I recently used Discover to install Frog, Resizer and some other flatpak apps (which btw I heard that flatpak needs to be careful about in terms of security), Discover instantly said that these apps needs updating, while UpdateInTerminal didn’t locate any updates, so I just updated them through Discover… I didn’t check pacseek though :person_gesturing_ok:

I don’t think UpdateInTerminal and pacseek have support for flatpak.

You could use the terminal:

flatpak update

If you wish so.


I didn’t push Gnome that much, but I had no problem on the Gnome fork Cinnamon. I wonder why packagekit is so problematic on Plasma on Arch Linux?

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