Plasma 6 Update some hints

Just “moved” changes inside Meld from left to right, saved updated original file and afterwards .pacnew got automatically removed (I did it through Pacdiff & Meld provided by Welcome app)

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Will be my approach as well. :+1:

If you are having issues running Wyaland with an Nvidia GPU, check to make sure you have all the needed settings for Wayland.

  1. In the /etc/environment file:

a. For Systems with just an Nvidia Card:

# This file is parsed by pam_env module
# Syntax: simple "KEY=VAL" pairs on separate lines
#This is so QT applications run properly


# This is here to make nvidia play nice. Open Source your drivers.


# just in case you loose the hardware cursor


b. If you have an Optimus Laptop

# This file is parsed by pam_env module
# Syntax: simple "KEY=VAL" pairs on separate lines
#This is so QT applications run properly


# This is here to make nvidia play nice. Open Source your drivers.


# just in case you loose the hardware cursor

  1. Make sure you have the proper Modules being loaded in either mkinitcpio.conf or your drop in file in dracut.conf.d

nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm

  1. Finally, make sure you have the Direct Render Manager (DRM) set to use Nvidia. In /etc/default/grub make sure you have the following in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= line.


Using the above settings, I have not had any issues running Wayland with the Nvidia Optimus setup on my Laptop. If after trying out Wayland using your Nvidia card, you want to go back to using X11, you do not need to remove these settings. X11 will ignore them because it uses a different set of configuration files. I have successfully gone back and forth between X11 and Wayland without any issues.


Okay, so I used this and ended up with a few issues. Oddly, prior to running this, all of my existing themes, settings, etc. worked fine after updating to Plasma 6. After running that, it all went downhill and I’ve spent the past 90 minutes trying to fix it (when I really should be working :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:)!!

I think I have most of it repaired now :crossed_fingers:t5: but have a few issues.

SDDM is telling me that


are not installed. I’ve done a little searching around and cannot figure out how to get them back. I’ve manually reinstalled plasma-desktop plasma-meta libplasma and they’re still missing.

I also created a new user and still the same problem.

Any thoughts or recommendations?

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If you use meta packages, you need to be really careful when removing orphans. For example, removing plasma-meta and then removing orphans will remove the entirety of plasma.

What sddm theme are you using?

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I’m using Breeze at the moment.

As far as I can tell, I never uninstalled plasma-meta with the orphan removal. Regardless, I have reinstalled it.

Any other thoughts?

For what it’s worth I think I figured it out. Thankfully, it had nothing to do with removing the orphans.

Through some searching, I discovered that a custom theme I’d been using was incorrectly ported to Plasma 6 that was searching for outdated libraries, prior to those that I listed above were moved to libplasma.

From what I figured out, I made a stupid copy/pasta and created some issues with my Breeze sddm directory. After forcing a reinstall of that, it’s all fine. In the meantime, I found a custom sddm theme that was correctly ported.