Plank applications menu docklet says "No Applications Available"

For some reason Plank can not find or display any applications in its built-in applications menu plugin. Anyone have a clue?

Did you right-click the applications icon? It should show all applications that way. Not very convenient, but it works.

That is what I am doing in the above image. It just shows dialog box saying No applications available.

I have no idea what could cause such problem. I use KDE Plasma and it just works. Have you tried reinstalling plank?

I can’t think where you are seeing this… right-click then preferences gives you access to settings… or going through the settings app to get to those settings…btw, they’re called docklets on my setup, and everything else is dragged and dropped on it when being added or sorted.

Hope there’s some info in there for you!

I think he wanted to see this:

I tried by curiosity this Docklet, and I’m facing the same issue with Cinnamon DE.

What DE are you using ?

KDE Plasma.

in plank --preferences these are my ‘behavior’ settings.
plank --preferences
`try playing with those?
you could also see what terminal output says.

I posted this image once already. I am seeing it on the desktop. The Plank dock is located on bottom of window. It shows the mouse pointer on the “docklet”, and the subsequent message after I right click it.

Mine is exactly the same. I removed, and re installed plank, and I see now that it mentions the application menu in an error on the very last line. Not sure what all the warnings about hidden stuff is all about.

[g@g-xps8940 ~]$ sudo pacman -S plank
[sudo] password for g:
resolving dependencies…
looking for conflicting packages…

Package (1) New Version Net Change

extra/plank 0.11.89-5 1.51 MiB

Total Installed Size: 1.51 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
(1/1) checking keys in keyring [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking package integrity [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) loading package files [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) checking for file conflicts [----------------------] 100%
:: Processing package changes…
(1/1) installing plank [----------------------] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks…
(1/4) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate…
(2/4) Compiling GSettings XML schema files…
(3/4) Updating icon theme caches…
(4/4) Updating the desktop file MIME type cache…
[g@g-xps8940 ~]$ plank
[CRITICAL 21:08:50.575947] [Wnck] wnck_set_client_type: changing the client type is not supported.
[WARN 21:08:50.607953] [Preferences:192] ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ is read-only!
[WARN 21:08:50.608015] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘OuterStrokeColor’ for group ‘PlankTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608023] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘FillStartColor’ for group ‘PlankTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608029] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘FillEndColor’ for group ‘PlankTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608035] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘InnerStrokeColor’ for group ‘PlankTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608041] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘HorizPadding’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608052] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘ItemPadding’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608058] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘IndicatorSize’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608064] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘IconShadowSize’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608069] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘UrgentBounceHeight’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608079] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘LaunchBounceHeight’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608088] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘FadeOpacity’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608097] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘ClickTime’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608105] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘UrgentBounceTime’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608113] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘LaunchBounceTime’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608121] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘ActiveTime’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608129] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘SlideTime’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608136] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘FadeTime’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608144] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘HideTime’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608152] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘GlowSize’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608159] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘GlowTime’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608167] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘GlowPulseTime’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608174] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘UrgentHueShift’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608182] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘ItemMoveTime’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608190] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘CascadeHide’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[WARN 21:08:50.608197] [Preferences:378] Missing key ‘BadgeColor’ for group ‘PlankDockTheme’ in preferences file ‘/usr/share/plank/themes/Transparent/dock.theme’ - using default value
[CRITICAL 21:09:03.064536] [GLib-GIO] GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden
[CRITICAL 21:09:03.070736] [GLib-GIO] file …/glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1632 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached
[CRITICAL 21:09:03.071542] [GLib-GIO] GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden
[CRITICAL 21:09:03.075179] [GLib-GIO] file …/glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1632 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached
[CRITICAL 21:09:03.075991] [GLib-GIO] GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden
[CRITICAL 21:09:03.079535] [GLib-GIO] file …/glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1632 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached
[WARN 21:09:09.145082] [ApplicationsDockItem:60] Failed to load applications (Failed to look up menu_file for “”)

hmm, I must have missed this part when I copied it from terminal.

[CRITICAL 21:10:53.685049] [GLib-GIO] GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden
[CRITICAL 21:10:53.690437] [GLib-GIO] file …/glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1632 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached
[CRITICAL 21:10:53.691320] [GLib-GIO] GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden
[CRITICAL 21:10:53.694717] [GLib-GIO] file …/glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1632 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached
[CRITICAL 21:10:53.695488] [GLib-GIO] GFileInfo created without standard::is-hidden
[CRITICAL 21:10:53.699044] [GLib-GIO] file …/glib/gio/gfileinfo.c: line 1632 (g_file_info_get_is_hidden): should not be reached
[CRITICAL 21:20:22.619997] [DockWindow:298] Retry #1 update_size_and_position() to force requested values!
Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Detect DeviceReset DeviceResetReason::FORCED_RESET DeviceResetDetectPlace::WR_SIMULATE in Parent process (t=599.41) [GFX1-]: Detect DeviceReset DeviceResetReason::FORCED_RESET DeviceResetDetectPlace::WR_SIMULATE in Parent process
[WARN 21:20:25.572269] [WindowControl:79] Window-manager changed: Mutter (Muffin)
Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Detect DeviceReset DeviceResetReason::FORCED_RESET DeviceResetDetectPlace::WR_SIMULATE in Parent process (t=599.41) |[1][GFX1-]: Detect DeviceReset DeviceResetReason::FORCED_RESET DeviceResetDetectPlace::WR_SIMULATE in Parent process (t=602.45) [GFX1-]: Detect DeviceReset DeviceResetReason::FORCED_RESET DeviceResetDetectPlace::WR_SIMULATE in Parent process
[CRITICAL 21:20:25.700963] [DockWindow:298] Retry #1 update_size_and_position() to force requested values!

Cinnamon also. It sounds like a Cinnamon problem. Interesting :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It was just an intuition, but after looking a bit under the hood, I can confirm it.

Cinnamon was using alacarte before, like for Gnome (I guess), as Menu editor application, but now is using cinnamon-menu-editor from cinnamon package.

That apps are generating an XML file in /etc/xdg/menus/.

The result is that we have this file /etc/xdg/menus/ instead of this file /etc/xdg/menus/ because the new editor app from Cinnamon.

And probably, Plank is looking only for file.

A quick fix if you want to use it, could be sudo ln -s /etc/xdg/menus/ /etc/xdg/menus/

I tested it and it seems to work, but as I mentionned before, I not use this applet in my daily setup, so again, it’s for pure curiosity :wink:


blows my mind. the ‘hidden’ stuff is weird. I am in Cinnamon too but using DockbarX (aur).
Makoto2600 seems to explain, very well, the why-nothing-can-see-what-its-looking-for errors.
remove/reinstall a smart move. Working that crazy crap out is probably the path forward.
I probably would have waited via pacman -Qdtq until every last morsel was removed before reinstalling but…
…I am surprised you have not been made whole yet with the Plank.

2 cents 'cause you didn’t ask but I have a new Cinnamon install and I’ve ran Plank for like forever so for the first time auditioned a bunch of non-kde docks and I must say…Plank still the best even though I settled on something else.

If I get a hair later and install and can confirm as well…the ball is in Arch’s court? Or upstream to Cinnamon?

This indeed solved the problem. My hat’s off to you pal.


That’s a good question.

In my opinion, about what should be done, is to check first if /etc/xdg/menus/ is supposed to be a norm/default/standard or not about DE (maybe on ?)

If yes, then open an issue (bug or improvement ?) on cinnamon repo side, as they should implement it to fit the default/norm/standard.
If no, then on Plank side (bug or improvement ?), as they can support it to improve their compatibility with other DE like Cinnamon.

This issue, could also be fixed at packaging level (thus, Arch side) as a workaround until a fix may exists upstream.
The targeted package (cinnamon or plank) for this fix is also depend on the same previous question (default/norm/standard or not ?).

The other problem is that Plank is part of Pantheon DE, developed by Elementary team, and is supposed to be replaced by an other Dock (I replied in your post some days/weeks ago in this forum with links about it) because Plank is not supporting Wayland and won’t support it (afaik).

I tested all docks as possible over the years, and I really like Plank as it is the most intuitive, easy to use, simple, beautiful, light and fast dock I found until now.

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