Pipewire bluetooth audio stuttering

Pipewire works fine about 40% of the time with my bluetooth headset (sony wh1000xm4) but the other times there is a lot of stuttering, artifacting and other audio issues. Audio usually also takes a few seconds to start but still is in sync with the video or game.

I tried switching to pulse but there my headset doesnt even show up anymore and before couldnt select the correct codec.

I have followed this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SA5GAPKQOBk
and some of the arch wiki pages.

I am a linux newbie and if anyone can help me solve this issue would be appreciated

Hi! Which pages?

Did you try changing codec / profile in pavucontrol?
Do you have more Bluetooth devices?

Yes, I tried changing the codec/profile to ones my headset supports, I do have other bluetooth devices and it has the same problem.

https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/bluetooth#Troubleshooting (also checked the forum for the updated commands)


Did you try to exclude your setup? Like no loose cables next to PC, other bluetooth devices turned off? Maybe it is some interferrence.

If not, I would try blueman program, it shows more practical info.

If other devices have same problem - this is crucial part of information.

I installed blueman and this is the device info.

I do have build in bluetooth on both my motherboard and a wifi/bluetooth card (forgot about this myself, Archer TX50E AX3000 Wifi 6 Bluetooth 5.0 PCIe-adapter)

I do have some loose cables but that has never been a issue in the past. I removed them just in case.

Well, well, well.

Then start small from the scratch. If issue is reproducible when you use only internal bluetooth adapter with 1 sound device connected with Archer disconnected.

Then disable onboard (in bios? keyboard shortcut?) and switch to Archer.

What is your desktop environment? If Gnome, maybe this will help: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-bluetooth#multiple-bluetooth-adapters

Once you have some minimal reproduction steps, post output of this command:

inxi -Ebz

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First I unplugged my wifi/bluetooth addon, and the issues remained. Then I tried disabling the onboard which seemed to fix it all! I think my onboard is just bad or broken.

Thank you so much for your help

edit: after rebooting my monitor sound stopped working.
edit: fixed it again, Had to switch on another HDMI output to make it discoverable again. How can I set the profile as fixed?

There are some bugs there with profile switching. Review latest threads in forum with HDMI :slight_smile: Glad you found probable reason :slight_smile:

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