Hey, I have the system up do date with Gnome and a couple of weeks after install it shuts down on its own, I noticed it while gaming but I sometimes come back home to an off PC as well.
Shows some CPU related errors when rebooting.
I didn’t make any hardware changes and temps are on the cool side (according to Windows monitoring), any help in diagnosing this would be appreciated!
A 450W PSU for that system is rather low. Brand new, that might have been borderline, but as a PSU ages, it’s power output starts to drop. Some calculators put it well below the recommended wattage for that system.
The main symptoms of insufficient power, are RAM related issues, which might present themselves as crashes and resets (hence why I asked about the PSU).
Now, I’m not going to say I’m totally convinced that’s the cause, just that I’d flag it as a possibility.
If you don’t have a stronger PSU you can drop in there and test with, you might try removing any non-essential components, to reduce power draw. I see you have a few hard drives, for example. If you have a lesser GPU of that generation handy, perhaps try that instead.
I know the PSU is cutting it close but only started having issues a few weeks ago when I was trying out Fedora, and coming back to Endeavour the issue started a couple of weeks after install, could it be some new Nvidia driver or something that uses more power than normal? Seems to me like it’s random spikes as it happens once per evening at non specific events.
I can’t try another PSU but I can compare with Windows which doesn’t have such issue even though I run the GPU overclocked in there.
Edit: I just noticed from the readings above that the CPU runs at 4750Mhz which seems incorrect as it is set to 4700Mhz in the bios which is the maximum stable overclock, that might be the issue even though again, I’ve seen it spike to 4800 in Windows with no issuue.
Reading this thread got me curious as to the power supply in my hardware. Interestingly enough, none of my linux setups report anything I can find about a PSU/power supply when executing: inxi -Fxxc0z
This is the case with my 2019 iMac, 2011 MacBookPro laptop, and Dell Optiplex all running current/recent EOS … Is there another way to discern one’s PSU wattage without cracking open the tin?
Not really, that information isn’t usually reported to any operating system. You could buy one of those outlets that has a meter on it, so that you could look at it directly.
I would suggest updating the UEFI firmware (Bios). There are seven newer updates than your current version 2803 dated 04/27/2022. The latest version includes a new AMD AGESA ComboV2PI 1.2.0.Ca. as well as new security fixes. I would also agree the power supply is on the light side but the Bios update is where i would start. Having said that I would also use the default settings for ram.
Thank you all for the feedback! and sorry for the late reply!
It was indeed the overclock, I didn’t even look into it at the beginning as i forgot it was there. Indeed it was the culprit and backed down a tad with no issues to report.
I will update my bios for sure, I’m sure i did not long ago but maybe the update didn’t stick.