Pavucontrol and other apps from gnome won't open

so today I realized I can’t open pavucontrol and some applications from gnome like gnome-settings.

when I try to open pavucontrol via terminal, it says “Failed to register: Timeout was reached”

when I open gnome-settings it only appears loading at my cursor then disappears after a few seconds

Welcome to the community! :vulcan_salute: :enos_flag:

Let’s troubleshoot. For each step, if you get an error, come back here and paste the error in a reply. For most things, we only need the text. :wink:

Step 1

Check if your system has either pipewire or pulseaudio running using this command:

pactl info

OR this one

ps -e | grep -A 0 -E "(pulse|wire)"

Step 2

Also, check which (usually a combo of both) you have installed using:

pacman -Q | grep -A 0 -E "(pulse|wire)"

Step 3

If you have pipewire, then try restarting it like this:

sudo systemctl --user restart pipewire-pulse.service

If you are using pulseaudio for whatever reason, restart it like this:

pulseaudio -k
pulseaudio --start

Step 4

Log out and log in or reboot your system.

Another thing:

If you are using pipewire, there is this config directory that loves to give trouble whenever it gets the chance /home/yourUserName/.local/state/wireplumber.

If after rebooting, you still have issues, then rename it to wireplumber-bkp and reboot again. You should be good.

so this is my output when i run
ps -e | grep -A 0 -E "(pulse|wire)

my output:

   2173 ?        00:00:00 pipewire
   2174 ?        00:00:00 wireplumber
   2175 ?        00:00:00 pipewire-pulse

and when i restart pipewire service using
systemctl --user restart pipewire-pulse.service

volume manager still won’t open

trying via terminal using

gave me
Failed to register: Timeout was reached

Did you do either of the steps above?

Also, is your system fully up-to-date?

sudo pacman -Syu pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack wireplumber

It will inform you that it’s reinstalling some packages. Let it fully update, then reboot when it’s finished.

i already did
sudo pacman -Syu pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack wireplumber

but what do you mean by

i do have /home/ruby/.local/state/wireplumber
but what exactly things i have to do with that???

One question mark is enough. :wink:

When you rename or delete the folder then reboot, your system will recreate it using the new default settings.

Sometimes a pipewire/wireplumber comes with new settings that are incompatible with your currently running system. Allowing the system to add the new defaults usually fixes it.

So, you can either rename the folder or delete it. It’s safe either way.

I’ve done it at least twice now, and it recreated the folder after rebooting. No audio issues.


Also, in the future, when you run any command for troubleshooting (even just updating the system), please show us the full output here. We may be able to see an issue you can’t or don’t know how to identify.

i do that but i think it’s not the case because i switch on gnome and every application from gnome like
gnome setting, console-gnome calculator
it won’t opens, maybe it’s gtk problem or something

okayy, basically it’s gtk problem…

i run
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Adwaita

and now pavucontrol and other gnome apps run perfectly

thank you so muchh for your help @ddnn <33

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Damn. I could found the issue long ago if I confirmed whether you were using Gnome. :sweat_smile:

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