I can’t update:
-more info:
-I also noticed that every say half an hour it kicks me out of the network, the other comp (windows os) does not lose the network
show the output of
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
And then try to update.
done: sudo pacman -Syu update has been made , after that restart and after booting the OS tried the normal Update but reports:
after that I tried sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck and it says:
thank you team for helping me
was the update with sudo pacman -Syu
successful or was there an error message?
there were no errors, I ran the command sudo pacman -Syu again and it reports that everything is ok and that there are no updates:
but when I start a normal update, “Repositories” disappeared from the left side:
after that:
Update your mirrors first.
sudo rm /var/tmp/pamac/dbs/db.lck
This is a problem with Pamac, it has its own db.lck file, but I don’t know where it is. I always recommend against using Pamac, as it is utter rubbish.
These are aur packages. Update with ‘yay’, yay update aur and other repos.
thanks, everything seems to be fine after update mirrors:
thank you all for your help
I just looked at the error message. Failed to synchronize databases. That tells me the mirrors aren’t updated and synced.
Lesson of the day, don’t use pamac for updating your system
It’s none of my business, but it’s always amazing how consistently well-intentioned, extremely reasonable advice is simply ignored.
Since it seems you not only know how to update without pamac, and the reality that pamac regularly breaks, I just want to throw out the suggestion of avoiding to use it for updates. Pamac also doesn’t do manual interventions, nor any of the pacdiff files. You will likely have a better experience without it.
That being said, it’s your computer, do as you will. But if I were me, I’d get rid of that asap.
As others have alluded to it’s best to use pacman for updating your system. Pamac can be used to install packages but there are better ways and better tools to do this. Pacseek is a better tool to use for this purpose and many others. yay is an AUR helper and you can also use that to install packages and also update. Using Pamac can cause issues with updating so it would be better to learn about pacman.
If you would like to maintain your system as I keep mine - you may find this of interest.
is pretty good
This can be even better, since you can tell it to call pacseek as your package manager.
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